@xAbhishek An elaborate tasting is due though. @rungta @ap00rv @lokallobaat
@xAbhishek I went with @rungta to GK and tasted 1 donut. Not very experienced about donuts but liked what I had. @ap00rv @lokallobaat
@VarunSPuri Yuk! :/
@vrinda_m “@Joylita: Running a startup bit.ly/LKo17a Because animated gifs say it better than anything else. EVER.”
atti_cus Retweets aren’t endorsements.
Laugh_Riot How do you know someone is from IIMs within five minutes of meeting them? They tell you. RT @Uqaaab
@jackerhack Except Delhi.
@vikramadhiman Go for it! :)
Power cut throughout night.
@xAbhishek @rungta @ap00rv @GnrlMxms Beef 65? Chicken 65? No! It’s beer 65! >.< Shakahari bewre, huh!
@jackerhack I think you should try recording the audio on a separate device using collar mics. @gonsalves_r
@gonsalves_r @jackerhack Of the little experience, slides + audio have never really engaged me. I’d insist on trying to make videos better.
@xAbhishek This is turning into something not-fit-for-twitter. I’ll participate in this over a cup of coffee. :) @rungta
aadvaark Diesel price not increased, because that would increase the price of transporting diesel, and that would increase the price of diesel and ..
@vikramadhiman Oh! The best day to startup was yesterday.
@ap00rv More fond of the smaller variety that you get in the South.
@Shalin10 Been to Kolkata plenty of times using Delhi Airtel connection. No major concerns but would often find connected to other networks.
@xAbhishek AFAIK it uses some internal algo to figure out paragraphs of text in the content. Why would you want to prevent its use? @rungta
@gonsalves_r Woah!
ohnoir ऐ जवानों!
गरीबी तोड़ देती है जो रिश्ते ख़ास होते हैं,
और पराय अपने होते हैं, जब पैसे पास होते हैं । #gangsofwasseypur
ap00rv I’m gonna have to let go of Instapaper in favor of Pocket, because Pocket is just too beautiful, both on Android and iOS.
@xAbhishek He got me started with Lost and later I realised that he stopped watching after season 3. @rungta
@bhavyakhanna बन्दर कया जाने अदरक का स्वाद! @rungta
Shakti_Shetty Behind every successful entrepreneur is an ex-boss wondering how the heck did this happen.
krisnair Geeks change the world, not your ‘hot guy with six pack abs’.
@nisheeth Even though the FB coverage by our man was a result of sheer vellaness, liked it nevertheless. Also, which place in Karol Bagh?
@nisheeth In this context should’ve been “of @bellycentric”. :)
@rashmiswamy Nope haven’t been there. Enjoy your trip!
@rashmiswamy Do’s — head to Goa, couple of hours from there. :p
@lokallobaat Grand salute!
@VarunSPuri Arre main bhi khel raha hoon ye to :)
@VarunSPuri Tu bhi ye khel raha hai! :p
dbasch Rockstars and ninjas are so passé. For my next startup I’ll hire Navy SEAL developers, chess grandmaster bd guys, and surrealist designers.
@ap00rv Same old link. But the prices are different that those I saw 10 days back. airtel.in/wps/wcm/connec…
Me: “Airtel ne 3G rates revise kiye hai?”
Guy at call centre: “Yes sir”
“Mera plan switch kar dijiye”
“Reason jaan sakta hoon?”
@ap00rv Plans in Delhi have changed. Got mine changed. Thanks for that!
@gonsalves_r No, in Delhi.
@gonsalves_r See, even tweets go wrong! :(
There is something terribly wrong about working from home. Can’t tell what, but I have been discomfortable every time.
Haleem for breakfast. Good start!
@ponnappa Absurd!
@VarunSPuri you wish!
@VarunSPuri What will you do with 10Mbps if torrent sites are blocked?
@ponnappa Does any ISP have much choice when courts order them to do so?
ponnappa Lets boycott all Bollywood movies in retribution! Oh, wait, I don’t watch them anyway. :/
@anexasajoop Not sure if you’ve seen this presentation, popularly believed to be made by the designer himself. slideshare.net/ashoktaurus/in… @_karan
@nisheeth The location is “way wrong”. maps.google.com/maps?q=28.5670…
gonsalves_r Looking for a great front-end developer (contract work), who understands responsive design. Contact @gonsalves_r (Please RT)
@nisheeth That place was not Karim’s btw.
@rohananeja Played only 2-3 times in the last year. But I am sure I still rock! :p
@rohananeja yeah I am here.
@rohananeja Why don’t you head over to CP with them some day instead of Chd?
@WhispersChinese Dead, alive or somewhere in between (a.k.a. exams)?
@vrinda_m I hear you get good dogs there. #justsaying @lokallobaat
@rohananeja Congrats! You got your kids too?
@vrinda_m yay!

_karan गरम चा – बे नशे की प्याली है, दिल खुश करने बाली हpic.twitter.com/PNTh57UaUa
gonsalves_r For SALE, CHEAP: 4*2GB of RAM. Macbook Pro compatible. Contact @gonsalves_r — please RT.
1. Launch DiskSweeper
2. Clear 20GB space
3. Wait 2 months
4. Repeat
It’s pouring in C.P.! Wattay fun!
OH: “You can google that or even on Youtube you can google.”
@vrinda_m If you mention ‘smoke’ they’ll be on you, doesn’t matter if you smoke or don’t smoke or just have a meal at Smoke House.
lokallobaat Does anybody know if the toy train from Pathankot to Kangra is running these days (second leg of the journey to Dharamsala)? Appreciate RTs.
@lokallobaat I can be your other half for a night. #fatmansays
@vrinda_m Where where? Share url.
@anusharma Happy birthday!
tusharjoneja The heavens open up @ Purana Qila instagr.am/p/KchrmqtbFi/
@sevenaces That typo was almost a wardrobe malfunction.
@nisheeth still sticking around?

nigelbabu Do you remember? i.imgur.com/keoN7.gif
#dtc bus standing at a stop for some time…
“Bus chalao bhai”
“Do gaddi saath chalegi”
@rubymonk Congrats! Btw, I see this on Safari 5.1.5
@GnrlMxms GTFO.
@sevenaces Be sure to let me know!
@sevenaces All Bangalore trips put on hold until I turn too heavy to be lifted. :)
@lokallobaat Fasten your belt between the two rods. By the way, I have survived falling off the top berth.
@sevenaces Oh, btw, everything happens for a good reason.
@zainabbawa A little out of context, but this tweet reminded me of the ‘Best Answer’ on au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index… @gonsalves_r @jackerhack

jackerhack Reposting: Where can I get display stands like this one? Looking to buy a bunch. yfrog.com/mgzhluvj
rungta If ever you need to download complete sets or groups of photos from Flickr: malarkeysoftware.com/projects_Photo…
shwetank The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog bit.ly/iXysNd
sshreyas This inspiring note greets new Apple staff on their first day zite.to/IRifvL via @Zite
@VarunSPuri “@gonsalves_r: Looks like Fatboy Slim is a real crowd puller. #Bangalore pic.twitter.com/IRZ7AZRb”
jack You don’t have to do it first, you just have to do it right.
Mom got a new pop up toaster yesterday evening. I now know the breakfast menu for the next one week (at least).
From the archives: “Trust the Googlebot to figure it out.” —daringfireball.net/2010/12/title_…4
@GnrlMxms Bah!
bellycentric The Sacred Bangalore Pilgrimage: theydrawandtravel.com/maps/classic-a… (by @dintoons)
bellycentric Paranthas on the Highway – the Murthal dhaba(s)bellycentric.in/post/223786619…fN
lokallobaat Gotta feel bad for @souvikdg …just bought an iphone and everyone keeps asking him: “bhai ye second hand hai kya?”
A quick tug on my beard followed by all WWE “signature moves” that my 6 yr old cousin could perform. What a way to be woken up on a Sunday!
“One day @souvikdg will come home and see a lot of food. By the time he is done eating he’ll get married.” —@nisheethh’s guess.#humordiaryy
Vanity entrepreneurs overestimate the glamour and underestimate the grind.
/via @aakashd
krishashok Reynolds should release a non-writing pen whose sole purpose will be to help people shove in 2 pin plugs into 3 pin sockets
xAbhishek Dear Delhi,
I wish you had an IMAX theatre just so that we could all enjoy The Dark Knight Rises the way it’s meant to be enjoyed.
From early Bangalore rains to early Delhi heat.