@xAbhishek Happy Birthday, and may the food be with you!
We lead the list of largest power outages in the world. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_p…
This is shit scary!
@jackerhack It wasn’t extended last year AFAIK.
atti_cus Only someone unaware about the logistics of what causes power outage of this magnitude, and what it takes to fix it will blame Shinde.
architgupta Breaking: Income Tax Return deadline extended to August 31st 2012.
Please RT.
iAWriter This is the last day you can get iA Writer for iPhone and iPad for $/0.99. Grab it before the price goes up! itunes.apple.com/us/app/ia-writ…
@_karan This: twitter.com/ANI_news/statu…
How did you find the movie?
In the words of @rungta — सुबह से line नही है पूरे दिल्ली मे!

“प्रताप मोमबत्तियाँ Made in China.”
I now realise that Chinese goods have reached a ridiculous level of omnipresence. pic.twitter.com/683n05Zk

Television crime serial shooting happening in our society since morning. Chaos all around, except in front of camera. pic.twitter.com/a3ftVSbx
thesatbir Meanwhile, the renovation work at Connaught Place for CWG is still on. #2012OlympicCeremony
@cooljaz124 Long time Mac users do. :)
Behind the scenes they are pretty much the same browser, just that Chrome edged ahead in recent past.
@ap00rv Love Pista House (Hyd) one (warning - lot of ghee). They deliver to Delhi.
Here have only had at Purani Dilli, Zakir Nagar. Good.
@ap00rv Haleem - n. a divine preparation, shortcut to attain nirvana. Porn’s free but I’d rather pay for Haleem. That. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad…
@mightyboosher Home delivered by Gati right from the kitchens of Pista House, Hyderabad. makemygiftz.com/categories/Sea…–/cid-CU00007451.aspx

This time it’s in a red tub! pic.twitter.com/7Z54tZfS
@xAbhishek iCloud is the only feature among these that draws me. I think the subtle changes like “save as” will score higher on my books.
I now have Safari 6 on Lion. That was my biggest reason for upgrading to Mountain Lion. What else am I missing?
@sevenaces Looking forward. Do tweet. :)
@lokallobaat Is that a sly way of marketing the Wazwan lunch?
CAs are Tally fanboys.
@ap00rv Could be RBI regulations?
Makemygiftz, I’m interested in haleem but not in unsolicited calls encouraging to place an order as I’m a “privileged customer”. Bad tactic!
lokallobaat Wazwan lunch at Jammu & Kashmir House on Sunday (29th July), 1-3pm. Details: facebook.com/events/4987654… Ping me if interested.
rashmiswamy Anyone I know coming down from London to Bangalore in the next couple of weeks?
rungta Passenger Amenities at Naupada:
Shady Trees – 19
Well Maintained Platform Surface – Existsflickr.com/photos/4861292…JfhMtj@purisubziisubzi)
@jackerhack Woah! @the5el
50% discount on @iAWriter for Mac. Couldn’t let the deal pass given that it’s one of my favourite iOS Apps.
2thank A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work.
@vikramadhiman Quick eat? Rolls at Khan Chacha.
@vikramadhiman While walking past McDonalds (B block) yesterday, saw a new wifi sticker pasted at the entry.
vikramadhiman What cafe or eating places in CP have free wi-fi? Please RT. #delhi
@erm_wat Yup, definitely missed the Joker.
@_karan Had your share?
@VarunSPuri Awesome would perhaps be an understatement.

The tickets are here. #TDKR pic.twitter.com/kKYtu2cl
@AroraDush Purani Dilli in Zakir Nagar also makes good Haleem. Less ghee as compared to Pista House. Yet to try Golconda Bowl.
+1 “@AroraDush: Ramzan means Haleem from Pista House in Hyderabad shall be ordered. They deliver it to Delhi. :D”
pxhq So. We’ve got three extra tickets to the Dark Knight Rises, today at 10pm. Anyone interested?
@rajathkedi Absolutely! I, for example, use a 1TB Seagate Portable.
246 megabytes of precious data went missing from my desktop. Time Machine to the rescue!
Note to self: Stop under-utilising Dropbox.
IndiaUntraveled For everyone here worried about their diets, “I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is two weeks.” -T Fields
@goonjuiet Hey, of late your account has been sending out spam tweets. Please put a check.
bhavyakhanna Wonder how many man-hours lost in signing and processing endless amounts of redundant paperwork
bhavyakhanna India can’t hope to call itself a ‘modern nation’ until we stop having to sign shit in triplicate
@GnrlMxms Did you consider/use Johnny Cache? packages.python.org/johnny-cache/q…
@xAbhishek Not sure. 25% should be max.
@ap00rv Not taking the challenge. But if you are raring to go, feel free. :$
@xAbhishek @rungta @ap00rv The burgers are priced 420-1450++. The veg ‘conquerer’ is 950++ and IMO can fill 3.
@lokallobaat huh? wtf! @xAbhishek @rungta @ap00rv
jasim_ab Tell your son to go out with girls. Talk to him about sex. And tell him a woman is a human being just like him. Read! thelocalteaparty.com/post/271920732…
@xAbhishek @rungta @ap00rv @lokallobaat Right opp. New Ashok Nagar metro station.
@xAbhishek @rungta @ap00rv @lokallobaat Everyone ok having dinner at Roadhouse 9-ish tomorrow?
@GnrlMxms @ap00rv Unrelated: Interested in trying that giant burger / other burgers at Roadhouse? Also, @xAbhishek if you’re in town.
@imdshadab For me “Coffee hai sada ke liye”! Season doesn’t matter.
@imdshadab huh?
lokallobaat Anyone interested in a tour of haunted places in Delhi? Will cover location history, meet witnesses & use of ghost hunting equipment. Pls RT
@shamail Awesome! *rubs belly in anticipation of some excellent food*
@shamail Hey, when is Ramzan?
gabgubi Prime Number Patterns: jasondavies.com/primos/
Fascinating symmetry!
@VarunSPuri No I did not miss. Am totally uninterested in these Zomato contests that force you to “spread their name”.
@mightyboosher Not interested in competing against others. Waise when is your duel with @lokallobaat? I’ll be there to cheer you. :p
@mightyboosher A person with ~1kg food inside (& going) is too unstable to appreciate pats on his back. But today I do. :) @lokallobaat
@bhavyakhanna Wonder why you are so bored these days! :p
1st experience of being stuck alone in an elevator. Was lucky to know who to call. Elevators should *at least* display a phone number inside
lokallobaat Heavenly rava idlis at Carnatic Cafe. Must try! (And @souvikdg already swears by their filter coffee)
@ap00rv AFAIK @xAbhishek is not in town. NFC community centre has many options. Al Bake, random kebab places etc. Lastly, Carnatic Cafe.
bellycentric Folks, check out pastries (Kunafa, Basbousa, Baklava, …) and desserts from middle east at Kunafa (Meher Chand Market). Divine indulgence!
@AroraDush Lots of places selling kebabs & non-veg stuff at NFC. If interested u can join me around 9-ish in case u can’t make it earlier :)
@AroraDush @GnrlMxms @lokallobaat @ap00rv We can do Mamagoto on some other day (maybe even a weekday).
@AroraDush We need to start earlier as @lokallobaat has work. We are instead meeting at NFC (7-ish). Feel free to join. @GnrlMxms @ap00rv
@GnrlMxms @AroraDush How about you two? @lokallobaat @ap00rv
@pandorazjukebox Here you go: lite.epaper.timesofindia.com/mobile.aspx?ar…
@planemad Congrats! :)
@ap00rv @GnrlMxms @AroraDush Guys, @lokallobaat is proposing a dinner at Mamagoto (Khan Market) on Sunday. Interested anyone?

Dear Women,
For far too long you’ve termed me ‘sexist’.
In. Your. Face.
Delhi. pic.twitter.com/9uipPBfD
@ponnappa I think “social networks” aren’t the places to indulge in intelligent conversations.
@xAbhishek @rungta Absolutely! Not sure how it was before, but right now even though it has “too many spokes” it appears to be awesome.
@gonsalves_r Served my sentence. Now I am a changed man! :)
Tweetbot for Mac all over my timeline. Downloaded it the moment I reached work. Fiddled for 2 mins, then went on to get it on my phone too.
@nigelbabu So have I. Happy Birthday! :)
@_karan अब भूख लग रही है, ओर मै बस मे सफर (suffer) कर रहा हूँ। :/
After mailing an attachment to a banker, I ask him “Mil gaya?”
“Mail aapka aa raha hai… (pause)…thoda lamba mail aa raha ha#humordiaryrdiary
@_karan बड़े दुख की बात है। दिल्ली कब आ रहे हो?
@vrinda_m @bhavyakhanna @rungta @lokallobaat Guys, meetup tomorrow evening. A quick snack at Lucky Diner Dilli, I say. What say?
geohacker Note to self: Never code when you don’t want to.
@ap00rv I *was* listening. Was the last one in the line, when a guy closed onto me and attempted to pull the phone using the earphone wire.
@ap00rv The day I was returning from Moti Mahal, a gang tried that on me at Rajiv Chowk. Were you listening to music? @xAbhishek

It’s so hard to ignore a #dtc when it brakes down. pic.twitter.com/HlwGlsGD
jasonfried Rule of thumb: Short paragraphs get read, long paragraphs get skimmed, really long paragraphs get skipped.
@keeperofthekeys Have heard good things about Spice Water Trail. Go try for yourself.
@Airtel_Presence Similar issue on my number. I thought I was an exception.
ap00rv Guys, just lost my Galaxy Nexus in the Metro. Latitude friends, please help on tracking?
anexasajoop Does anyone know who has designed the Droid Devanagari typeface?
planemad @zainabbawa @gonsalves_r idly-vada is a human right
@nigelbabu They reveal it if you click on the stupid “I promise to signup later” link. Guess you couldn’t stop yourself from hacking around.
@GnrlMxms *bounces belly in celebration*
@ap00rv @xAbhishek Well, we can do a relaxed meal, if we wind up early we can do some desserts in old Delhi.
@xAbhishek Will leave in half hour.
@GnrlMxms @ap00rv @xAbhishek Have been there just once before, that too years back. I think there is only one there. Check Zomato.
lokallobaat New idea for the food blog: Crashing random wedding & reviewing their food.
@ap00rv @GnrlMxms @xAbhishek Weather is good so I’ll reach Chawri at 7 & walk through the gallies. Join me or reach directly by 7:30. Good?
@GnrlMxms @xAbhishek Moti Mahal (North Indian food - Butter Chicken)? If @ap00rv doesn’t find it unconventional we can head to NFC/Zakir Ngr
@GnrlMxms @xAbhishek @ap00rv Will let you guys know by tonight. Most likely dinner tomorrow — hope that works?
This is the 2nd time iOS crashed while turning on personal hotspot. :|
@ap00rv @GnrlMxms We can also call @lokallobaat (the 3rd @bellycentric guy) to give @xAbhishek some company with veg food. :p
@ap00rv @GnrlMxms @xAbhishek New Friends Colony is also an option. Plenty of (budget) places + Carnatic Cafe for filter coffee!
@ap00rv @GnrlMxms @xAbhishek Next few sit-down places on my list are Mamagoto, Nagaland’s Kitchen, Lucky Diner Dilli, Moti Mahal (Daryaganj)
s_shashank_s Looking to buy 2 Garmin eTrex 10 devices in #Delhi. Anyone?
@DilliBelle Not aware. This one is at a 5 star, don’t expect it to have “branches”. You can check on Zomato.
@xAbhishek Boy! That’s a crazy big number!
@DilliBelle Veg, Chicken and Beef. I did the beef one. It’s at the Roadhouse Bar and Grill, DoubleTree Mayur Vihar.
xAbhishek Guy shouting “Software, games” at Nehru Place when seeing us hold a Dell pamphlet: “हमसे ही लीजिये Laptop. माँ क़सम best price देंगे।”
@xAbhishek Let’s make a plan to go there and order the veg one when @rungta returns. 950 bucks, all of us can share.
@xAbhishek Excellent burger! No complaints. I had the beef one, and others loved theirs too. Sadly, didn’t have time to relish the taste.
@xAbhishek Terrible for few hours. Was extremely thirsty, & every time I took water the bread (inside stomach) wud swell, *biggest problem.
@xAbhishek Also, we must go there once, just so that you guys can have a look at the size of that monstrous burger. I say 4 of us go & do 1.
@xAbhishek *Participants who registered & made the cut. Also, you can still go and have a go. :)
@rohananeja Are you kiddin’ me?!
@mightyboosher Was that challenge for me? @lokallobaat
jasim_ab In typical Indian fashion: Bangalore’s weather, sir, is of international standard, and is definitely export quality.
@mightyboosher Stop fighting like cats and mouse. @lokallobaat You have to see the size of that burger. Lets take 4 of us there and order 1.
@ap00rv Y’day it was free for the participants, even if they’d fail. But you can attempt it any day. If u do it in 30 mins u save 1450+tax.
@rajathkedi thanks! :)
@ap00rv Yes! 1.25kg burger +150gms potato wedges. \m/

And this click gives a better idea about the size of the burger. pic.twitter.com/yKOOMcmQ

Top view of the burger platter I demolished in 30 mins yesterday. Metro card on top for scale. pic.twitter.com/NiMlGOmz
lokallobaat Chest-bump to the awesome @souvikdg for being 1 of 3 people to finish the 1.25kg burger at the ‘Demolish The Conqueror’ event @ Double Tree!
@jackerhack Maybe you’ll have to hunt for such a service provider.
@jackerhack During my pre-unibody experience “few” service providers did not care at all. They’d simply replace it on request.
@jackerhack Have heard that they replace battery if laptop is under warranty & health drops below 80% in under 1000 charge cycles (unibody).
gonsalves_r I keep having to remind myself: it’s not the quality of the iteration that matters — it’s the speed.
@VarunSPuri “Mayur Vihar mein to bulkul light nahi jaati.”…
Also, very sly of AnythingMac to point me to Ansal Plaza for iPhone / accessories issues. This other service centre is right behind theirs.
Discovered an ‘unlisted’ Apple Authorised Service Provider at the Uphaar Cinema complex. Replaced my iPhone earphones immediately.