That sorta day when all of South Delhi is traffucked.

DelhiDialogue We will expand the bus services in the city, with at least 5000 new buses in 5 years #AAPKaManifesto
@kns008 @Uber_Delhi Oh!

Hey @Uber_Delhi, you know who all you handed this out to. How did you get the count wrong?! :/

iA iA Writer Pro: 50% off for a limited time with the Mac App Store’s “Get Productive” promo…
@geohacker Finally official! All the best!
@nigelbabu Wow! Kudos.
vikramadhiman Basant is on set of Spring. Lohri too. Now it just means, cold for 4 more weeks!
Ditto. #fatmansays “@GareebGuy: Main us bhagwaan mein maanta hoon jiska prasaad sabse jyada ho.”
RIP R.K. Laxman.

mihirssharma Proudly Bengali. #CoverYourEars
butsandifs The only consistent image of NariShakti in India is the Amul girl - she takes on everyone & gets away with it every time
@PinguicVerse President Mujherjee mentioned in his yesterday’s speech to the country that on 26th Jan 1930 we declared poorna swaraj.
What a horrible weather on Republic Day. Gut says Mr. Obama would have peeped outside the window and slipped back into the blanket.
@PinguicVerse Yeah, was just watching that.
@BlueTokaiCoffee The cardboard box that the courier delivers.
@BlueTokaiCoffee Please start branding your packages. People at office are always unsure if it’s the coffee.
@kingslyj Yeah, true.
@kingslyj Officially it’s still a marathon. Hope they don’t have to change that.
@kingslyj Ya, in case of HD the definition wasn’t the problem. The terms that came later created the mess.
@kingslyj Helps cause the term has been vaguely defined / over-exploited / abused. Like HD, HD ready, HD ready 1080p, Full HD, Ultra HD… :p
@kingslyj Many people (and sometimes even organisers) do unintentionally. Half marathon doesn’t necessitate a “full” prefix to marathon.
@bhavyakhanna Humble request tha sir. Next year aap bhi yehi keh rahe hoge.
May I humbly request all to not call 5-10k distances marathons. Situation is such that a marathon now has to be referred as “full” marathon.
Today — 5 days post my first marathon@runscmmm — I’ve woken up with no sensation of soreness in my body. Slight tiredness still lingers on.
So @Uber_Delhi is back. I wish they also find a hack to charge my credit card directly. This recharge-@Paytm-wallet-workaround is bullshit.
@priyanka87 Like. But I continue to fear Coco.
@TravellerKids @priyanka87 Coco! Haha! All the best with the new identity.
@ap00rv *slow clap*
@amitangshu Must add that it makes me 1 mug at a time = 2 cups. They claim 4 cups though.
@amitangshu Aeropress.…
@amitangshu I hope you have good coffee at work. Much needed.
Worst weather day this winter season in Delhi, yet.
@gonsalves_r Yeah, but consider tactile screens vs holograms and “hallucinations”. @zooeymui
@zooeymui As much as technology thrills me, the prospect of drifting away from the physical world scares me.
@RahuldaCunha Thank you and your team. Keep going! :)
@bhavyakhanna WTF!
@lokallobaat Nice. The balance on my @oklistenin wallet had been lying inactive for a while.
I really wish @Amul_Coop’s topical toons get as much visibility as @google doodles do. They’ve been at it for nearly half a century.
@PinguicVerse tsk tsk. You do have the option of NOTA.
@lokallobaat Never managed to articulate my reasons well (they continue to remain valid). 1 has always been a thing. Anyways, cheers!
@lokallobaat Pick whatever #youprefer—
1. Because (super) special day
2. Because I wasn’t dehydrated enough
3. Because why not
@bhavyakhanna oh shit.
First Child Beer Pint. Check.
Typically I welcome inches, except in times like these when every inch of my body is paining. #fatmansays
@pandorazjukebox Thank you. You made my eyes tear again today. :)
@nigelbabu Slower than what I’d have liked. The weather + distance was simply too tough. But the experience was amazing!
@rasagy Thanks. If my body feels well rested by the evening, then maybe.
@rasagy You’re also in Bombay naa? Totally forgot. How come you missed my tweets?!
rasagy So tempted to make this today’s quote:
“I’m broad, not fat!” —@raghunayyara#fatmansaysys xD
@rasagy Yeah. I’m finally a marathoner! Been here for a couple of days. Leaving tomorrow.
Mumbaikars stole my heart today. Have never seen so many people on the streets cheering runners and even handing out fruits, nuts and water.
@kaustavdm All I can say is it’s really tough to make you proud.
@abhijeetmk 5:50.

26 miles 385 yards. Immense pain. Teary eyes.
☑️ Marathoner
@lokallobaat Thanks!
@rungta Nah haven’t, but thanks!
Belly profile (bottom to top): 🍌, chicken whopper, penne alfredo + pesto + arrabiata, 🍌.
Now: Lull before shit hits the fan. #fatmansays
@tanish2k Monday.
Interstellar at an IMAX. Check.
@surdattack Yeah, lovely place!
@surdattack yup.

How to learn to take orders?
jasim_ab RIP is meaningless. My sympathies are with those left behind.
आईला बंबई!
@nixxin Most often plugins are the culprit. Start your investigation from there. / @jackerhack
@ankitw Mailed you.
This @airvistara’s website doesn’t give me any new feeling. Guess the new feeling is only in the air.
@amitangshu It’s turned sunny quite dramatically. Happy Lohri!
Extremely unhappy about being out of town on the day of the upcoming Delhi elections.
@amitangshu Customer support aside, how’s the connection?
Taper physically. Peak mentally.
@amitangshu Oh is it? I was kinda unhappy about them not serving my society as yet.
@_achalv That’s life giving you bananas.
@vikramadhiman Kind of chicken and egg. It’s expensive because IT.
kaushikcbasu To err is human. To err again and again is to be a forecaster.
Cooked pasta. Baked focaccia. Brewed cappuccino. Now having it all for dinner. #AchcheDin

@enzobakes Attempted the focaccia. The flour didn’t rise well. Troubleshoot?

@_karan Oh look what happened to the cabbage! Say thank you to aunty. :)

DCP_North_Delhi On a lighter note.. Pls STOP SCARING your children that police will catch them if they won’t behave !!!!

housecor This hits way too close to home.

Thoroughly enjoying the new Delhi Police campaign. Hope the messages are spreading well too.
@rungtaakki Not for those who don’t use the public transport.
@kingslyj @PinguicVerse Not an exhaustive list, obvious ones have been left out. Also, purely from experience, fog-less nights feel colder.
That kind of night in Delhi when the fog is building up by the minute. My heart goes out to the folks who have a flight tomorrow morning.
MohitParmarr Son: can I go to my friend’s house fr party?
Dad: Dnt ask me. Ask your mom
Mom: Dnt ask me. Ask your dad
Son: bc,ghar h ya SBI ki branch?
BaatooniLadki Elevators: Creating awkward silences between people since forever.
@avnishn Was testing if people can really take satire. Looks like someone can’t. :p
sevenaces The party-pack lays chips packet, might as well be called Soul Packet. #FatManSays
I suspect the Paris attackers, like me, did not like French food and their serving portions. #fatmansays
@craftcms Yeah. Works now. Thanks!
@craftcms ‘&’ in entry titles showing as & all over the Craft admin ever since titles are encoded. Also twig double encodes. Workaround?
Amen. #fatmansays “@priyanka87: @souvikdg live to eat!”
@priyanka87 Mom’s not at home and no one is shouting on me for keeping these on the table and eating them all the time. \m/

Each time I walk past the dining table at home one of these gets popped into my mouth.
Winter is good. #fatmansays
ap00rv Guys, I’m looking for 1RK/1BHK unfurnished aptt. in South Delhi with parking, ventilation and big kitchen. Budget 22k. Any leads? Please RT.
@arvthampi Yeah, those and maybe a few more along those lines.
@arvthampi Don’t think technology is the constraint when it comes to ticketing on city buses.
@anexasajoop Ugly, but I welcome this cause it’ll make them money. Would be great if #DTC can learn from this. @rungta
nigelbabu A simplified gif of how we lay cables in the ocean…
@DilliBelle tsk tsk.
Lovely winter morning in Delhi — bright and sunny. And everyone around looks happy.
@amitangshu Anytime. Let’s put a date / venue to that.
@amitangshu Woah! Can we catch up, please?
@PinguicVerse Next time we’ll focus on meat.
@BaatooniLadki Yup, Delhi’s missing out on them, and I do hope that they open soon.
@BaatooniLadki I like Taco Bells, but ye kuch zyada ho gaya.
@BaatooniLadki tsk tsk.
@keeperofthekeys Share through Dropbox.
@lokallobaat Aww! But, wise call champ.

Oh no! :(

SheikhImaan True or not, this is beautiful.
@atti_cus You know my office. :p

Hot Shammi Kebabs in office on a rainy winter day. Pure joy!
Thanks for the recommendation @turmericdesign.
My appalling year on year record with new year resolutions has brought me to this 3 letter resolve: EAT.
Challenge accepted. #fatmansays
It’s 2015 and no kitchen / food containers should be opaque. #fatmansays
/ I’m sure @abhijeetmk will agree.
Also re-realised how inefficiently things are arranged in the kitchen. Can’t do much cause any change will piss off mom when she returns.
Did some marathon cooking yesterday — fish, chicken, veggie and noodles. Good start to 2015.#fatmansayss
_karan “Here’s your password!” – Sadl@_PVRCinemasas are yet another organisation who store their passwords in plain text.
@bhavyakhanna Thanks, and WTF!