atti_cus .@BhimBassi gang of 4 tried to rob me near ashok Vihar. PS Bharat Nagar Cops refusing to register FIR. SHO dismissive. Please intervene.

scottbelsky My Uber driver this evening has 9 screens in front of him; car dashboards have some catch up to do…
@NDelhiMarathon And when does the route map come out?
@NDelhiMarathon Hey, what’s the HM and FM cut off times?
jeffbigham I can do anything I set my mind to that has a deadline.
@zainabbawa Few others being, running to a new breakfast joint. Or having friends join in a run. etc.
@zainabbawa To get into a habit of things I need create some forces of motivation around me. For running, a race is just one of many such.
@zainabbawa I want to run Auroville too. Can’t do it this year, but hopefully in the coming year. :)
@zainabbawa Sign up for a half marathon every 2-3 months. It’ll keep the momentum going.
@garimadhamija Congrats to you too! And all the best for that goal.
4 flights in 10 days. Each time stopped for random baggage scan at terminal entry. Guess I’ll never be offered a role by terrorist groups.
How Bombay street food chefs created their menu—
1. Find out popular food items.
2. Stuff it.
3. Fry or grill the outside.
4. Grate cheese.
@mehulved This was my 4th. 42 mins better than my first (last SCMM). So quite happy. :)

Two numeric scripts on a Volvo ticket. The fare’s a subtle warning in an indecipherable script for non natives.
@mehulved Quads are stiff for me. Climbing down steps is hurting.
craigfonseca After #SCMM2016
She: I’ll put on a little bikini and come.
He: Oh yea!
She: Volini* Stupid auto correct!
@vakeel_saheba @atti_cus Haha.
Don’t judge me, but I am a little surprised that Indians search for Indian porn on Pornhub.…
Most people still value human social interaction above solo sex. — Pornhub’s 2015 Year in…D
mehulved 2 hours of running and 15 hours of partying.
@themomontherun Recover soon. :)

Gents go to toilet. Ladies go to washroom. #okay
@ray1claw **shudders**
Spontaneous decision to get on a bus that goes on a fantastic expressway, tunnels and beautiful landscape. #win
Fuck you Garmin Activity Tracker asking me to move every once a while. I ran a marathon just yesterday.
Bombay, who’s around today and tomorrow? Anyone wants to catch up?
On a different note, had I known that the #SCMM half marathon medal would be so cool, I might have considered it over the marathon. @runscmm
It’s humbling to run the #SCMM through the spirit and energy of the Mumbaikars. They almost tear you with the effort they put at cheering.
Shaved 42mins off last year’s #SCMM (my 1st marathon) time y’day. But more kicked about celebrating the entire day without a moment’s rest.
@mehulved I think I will be late. Will come after brunch.
@mehulved Hey, how long are you around?
@_karan Not very intuitive, but you could make it out. Used proper Hindi terms for Air Traffic Control, turbulence etc.
From a pleasant Bangalore to a cold Delhi to now a warm Bombay in under 24hrs. So looking forward to the Mumbaikars cheering at @runscmm.
Arnab Goswami was on the same flight. No shouting was heard.
Best briefing by the @jetairways captain today. Made announcements in Hindi (without borrowing a single English word) followed by English.
@nigelbabu Flag it as non real name.
@abhijeetmk I was looking for a fuck you Delhi Govt followup tweet.
@twitortat *well played*
At a classical music event, which means too many Bengali aunties around.
@nigelbabu Practice the steps. About a month to go for us to make you dance. And you won’t be behind the lens this time. @PinguicVerse
IsUncommon We have some bandwidth now for new mobile and web app design projects. Got something interesting? Let’s talk!
@jimanish I think you get them at the Sadar Bazaar in Delhi Cantt as well.
Rickshaw_wala There’s a guy in this Starbucks sitting at a table, not using his phone,not using his MacBook and just drinking coffee,like a psychopath
WTF! “@ANI_news: SC also asks Delhi Metro to look into possibility of a premium service where a seat can be assured by paying 5x the fare”
I pity Dilliwallas with multiple cars but all odd or even numbers. Especially if they’ve paid hefty amounts to buy numbers like 0001 or 007.

How I wish to age. “@RTRDholavira: Age is just a number! #Running #RTRDholavira #UltraMarathon #UltraTrail”
Why does the @TransportDelhi routing service have to be for #PollutionFreeDelhi? They should run it around the year.
Commerce at traffic signals are keeping up to times. Just saw a guy selling selfie sticks.
@BlueTokaiCoffee Ooh! Excellent.
@vrinda_m Warmest winter in a decade.
Post run runners need carbs, proteins, salts and a lot of water. So I ended today’s 4hr run at one of my favourite golgappa joints. #win
arpancj Any recommendations for a great mattress for a person with back pain. Am willing to spend if it’s worth it.
@arpancj No specific recommendation, but get the hard ones (often marketed as “ortho”).
Last year I drew most of my inspiration from sportspersons and their quotes. This collection just adds to it.…
@mehulved @runscmm @PuruDaGuru This is gold. Thank you.