cis_india Join us tomorrow at IHC at 10:00 am to discuss #BigData, #DigitalIndia & #HumanRights:……R6
@bharatmohan No idea. Don’t work on iOS. @bhupinder87
@s_shashank_s Sounds like a great idea. Should also include public transport hacks (short metro rides that saves time & money) @kingslyj
@s_shashank_s I meant the signage only. @kingslyj
@s_shashank_s If you’re taking the expressway from South Delhi, the expressway direction tries to take you through the toll. @kingslyj
@kingslyj I have taken it myself a year or two back. There’s a route from behind Manyata. Driver said there was 1 more. @s_shashank_s
@DilliBelle Yes. Bought the album by the first musician that day. You all missed it.
abhishekaggy Delhi (NCR).
Tell me your post run or workout café / beer spot.
Just purchased my first Jazz album.
Like really, I paid money for Jazz.
Can’t believe.
Think I’m getting old. Maybe.
@kingslyj Let me add that there are alternate ways that the cabs can take to return to town. @s_shashank_s @Olacabs
@abhishekaggy Run in Lutyens, followed by breakfast at Lota. Best.
@abhishekaggy I am surprised that you don’t know.…
@notshraddha **looks for a place to hide** @jimanish
abhishekaggy Also, kids, smoking is stupid and pointless. Apart from being harmful to your body.
Don’t. If you do - quit.
@abhishekaggy Lota, and American Diner are the stand outs after morning run. Let me know if you know good places that open by 8-ish.
@notshraddha @jimanish w00t w00t! I must make our friendship stronger.
@r0h1n Not possible unless you’re willing to risk the motherboard and work with a “hardware hacker”.
notshraddha Hello! Would someone know how much it costs to rent/buy a decent projector to watch films at home in south Delhi?
@abhishekaggy Aaj? Too short notice. :(
Let’s plan a day before?
@kingslyj Used, yes. ₹500-2000. @jackerhack

@jackerhack in the meanwhile, at Jazz Festival in
miranj The @speechbillin website was pulled off in record time. Proud to have played a small role in the movement towards better defamation laws.
miranj Do take a moment to review @speechbillin principles and pledge your support for decriminalising defamation in India.
@harisibrahimkv Not attending, but office (@_basestation) is less than 2kms away. Can also meet over the weekend.
atti_cus Are you/is anyone you know suffering from Chikengunya? What are the symptoms+what is the treatment they are taking? Please RT.

lrnrd People have been asking “Should my tech event / community have a Code of Conduct?” So I made this handy flowchart:
@abhishekaggy Weekend?
@Abhishek_Rai Too last minute. Too far. @dyoungbigmouth @grihaatul @abhishekaggy @TheQuint @LBBDelhi @reshii @TheBigGeek
@harisibrahimkv What are the chances I am seeing you?
nilenso Did you know that nilenso now has a design page?
@abhishekaggy Assi.
@sukhdugal Congrats!
aparatbar Great line up of artists & guests will curate @speechbillin to talk on bad laws, creative expression & how we can fix it. Follow #SpeechBill
@jitendravyas Anytime. @metarefresh @miranj
@shrayasr That good? Haha. :)
@iam_Sudip @gauravbansal74 It’s live guys—…4
Slides from the talk I gave at @metarefresh 2016—
“Architecting Content Driven Websites”…D#metarefreshh
@jitendravyas Koi feedback? @metarefresh @miranj
@xAbhishek @divyangthakur @Abhishek_Rai @sandgorgon1 @twitortat Thanks guys! :)
btw, @ajantriks, is the coffee maker question related to this context? Ans is “No plans for now”. @guneetnarula @moumitadas @geohacker
@ajantriks @guneetnarula @moumitadas @geohacker God! I want to laugh and cry at the same time.
@BYOBIndia Rope in this fellow.…
@jimanish Thank you.
@shrayasr Thanks!
@mehulved Thanks.
@jackerhack Yeah, first for me.

From speaking at @metarefresh in Bangalore to crossing a finish line in Delhi. All in the last 24 hours.
@anandology I’ll check the schedule and drop you an email.
@anandology Please do. We’re pretty close. And damn, tickets are sold out?!
To add, CISF personnel at BLR Airport read my name and said that I am the 7th “Souvik Das Gupta” he’d frisked today.…
@anandology @jsfoo @metarefresh Haha. Hope to catch up with you next time. Hope the workshop went well.
@gauravbansal74 For sure. Flying back right now. Will publish on Monday, and tweet.
Y’day I learned why we get paper tickets for events booked through @insiderdotin and @bookmyshow. Ans: Entertainment Tax.
/ht: @jackerhack

hasgeek ” More than half of wordpress code is front end code,” - @rstacruz #metarefresh
@9porcupine Thanks. You’re awesome. Go help the world now. :)
The #MehtaRefresh talk has lived upto the trend. Crisp, informative and well presented. Kudos @leostatic + @Razorpay!
(Also, #metarefresh)
@zainabbawa I think @karthikb351 would have an opinion on your tweet. (re: courage) @9porcupine
Quite bold of @9porcupine to talk about human aspects of growing as a professional and sharing her personal experiences. #metarefresh

metarefresh Surprise! CSS is still hard. For some people.

BoldKiln Looking for a UI/UX Designer (1-4 yrs)
Loc: Noida
Write to

nilenso our design team at @metarefresh today. catch @9porcupine give a talk about being a newbie designer at 2:30!
@gauravbansal74 Haha, that’s too kind.
@gauravbansal74 Thanks. Will put it up soon. @hasgeek
@ellemalala Yes sure. My comment was more on the design. The entire ticket is an Ad.
@iam_Sudip Thanks! Yes slides will be up on @talkfunnel soonish.
@jitendravyas @metarefresh @miranj I wonder if you managed to catch it.
@ellemalala @zainabbawa @prashantsani @metarefresh I agree.

metarefresh The funny @souvikdg of @miranj kicks off the day with memes about sleepy faces in the hall and designers.
iam_Sudip IA ≠ Navigation @metarefresh @souvikdg
@metarefresh @jsfoo The word is “cross selling”. :p
@leenasn @metarefresh Do share your feedback.
@ryaliscs Thanks.
@kuldeep_ux @hasgeek Thanks!
@bharatmohan @shark_speak no idea
@kingslyj @jsfoo @metarefresh @hasgeek Who knows.
A “Souvik” gave a flash talk y’day. A “Shouvik” on the list today. A “Souvik” to speak tomorrow. We’ve taken over @jsfoo and @metarefresh.
@mehulved I’m mostly completing my slides for tomorrow. At the food court area.
@jackerhack @GNUmanth Works in bursts for me.
Memeghnad This database proves that everyone files a defamation case against everyone for the weirdest of reasons! #SpeechBill…
anandology Last chance to attend HTTP Bottom Up workshop. Last few seat left.…
JuhiChitra Any Graphic Designers looking for a full-time/contract job in Delhi? I know two people who are looking.
Who’s around at @jsfoo and @metarefresh? Say hi!

I think half my tshirt wardrobe comes from this store —>

I like how much prominence @hasgeek gives to their Code of Conduct.
@raghavb Same here. Thank you.
@jitendravyas @surdattack Too much pressure folks. But thanks! :)
@vrinda_m Yay!

speechbillin First round of public consultation via will end on 27 Sept 2016 at 12:00 noon. #SpeechBill

Look at this lovely promotional graphic for my upcoming @metarefresh talk by @hasgeek!
Don’t just look, do join.
Every time I have to fill up a Job Title / Role field in a form, existential questions pass through the head.
GabbbarSingh The beautiful thing abt Delhi is that whn ‘A’ says “Tu ganwaar hai bhenchod”
‘B’ takes offence on the other word
“Ganwaar kisko bola be??”
@atti_cus Philips trimmer better than Panasonic. Specs you should care about: charging time, trim size /range, ease of cleaning.
@guneetnarula I think emergencies is one thing for which I am happy to allow mobile operators to share my cell tower triangulated location.
There are many roads in Delhi whose official name is not as popular. And not ever place has a landmark.
There should be a better mechanism of reporting an accident spot to @DelhiPolice Control Room than communication an address.
fatmansays Just found a Twitter account worth being in a relationship with 👉@yrfatfriend. #fatmansays

JesskaOpal I like you Henry, you alright
jackerhack When your two year old wants to walk on the footpath and you firmly tell her to walk on the road because the footpath isn’t safe. #Bangalore
@notshraddha Yeah I enjoy that especially when the gang is adequately “in the mood” and involved. You should’ve joined. :) @nigelbabu
@nigelbabu Your calf looks strong! @boogerworm
I relate to @Oatmeal too much, too many times.
LittleMxSurly if people were honest and called hackathons technicaldebtathons I bet folks would be less enthusiastic about them

beep hi i’m in a rural part of the country and mad at all websites
@abhishekaggy You can’t. You can only pass it on to your kids.
cap If your designers only want beautiful, you hired the wrong designers.…
atti_cus 372500 raised, 127500 to go 23 days left. :) Please contribute and then spread the word. 5k bucks funds 1yr edu.…
PinguicVerse Do you know any organisation which work on health issues in community? Please recommend. (Also please RT?)
hondanhon Donald Trump is like a DDOS attack on fact-checkers

asanwal Such a good line