Souvik Das Gupta (@souvikdg)

New Delhi, India

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @souvikdg ever

January 2018

RT @zeldman: ? Celebrating 20 years at @AListApart today.

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None of these routes intersect my typical routine, but yay! One decade in the making. #DTC

via Tweetbot for Mac from Siri Fort, New Delhi

@zainabbawa @hasgeek Damn, should’ve used ‘you all’. It has come to my attention recently from the @CraftCMS…EJ

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to souvikdg from New Delhi, India

@zainabbawa @hasgeek You guys should really put together a repository for the likes of @charis and others.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to zainabbawa from New Delhi, India

@kitallis I hope Supreme Court successfully armtwists the Govt to acquire 10k busses by the end of the year.

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to kitallis from New Delhi, India

@xAbhishek But March 31st (I know this will get delayed, but this is at least a start)

via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to xAbhishek from New Delhi, India

@Uber_India There’s no refund option for driver refusing to go to Gurgaon after starting trip. Cust care too has ignored request so far.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from New Delhi, India