@harisibrahimkv Congratulations! :)
RT @zeldman: ? Celebrating 20 years at @AListApart today.
@abhishekaggy @miten @kanchankumar @sanket_invideo @banglani @sbikh @AgarwalAditya @krisnair @sandeeptodi @jithamithra Congratulations!
@zainabbawa @rootconf Yes yes. :)
@bhavyakhanna OMG!
@jesslynnrose @nigelbabu Information Architecture.
None of these routes intersect my typical routine, but yay! One decade in the making. #DTC https://t.co/MJRzSXbig1
@jimanish Glad. Take care.
@jimanish Hope you are not injured.
@zainabbawa @hasgeek Damn, should’ve used ‘you all’. It has come to my attention recently from the @CraftCMS commun..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…EJ
@zainabbawa @hasgeek You guys should really put together a repository for the likes of @charis and others.
@abhijeetmk @GuidingTech w00t!
@kitallis I hope Supreme Court successfully armtwists the Govt to acquire 10k busses by the end of the year.
@xAbhishek But March 31st (I know this will get delayed, but this is at least a start)
Guess who’s excited! #DTC pic.twitter.com/B348z7jlgB
@Uber_India There’s no refund option for driver refusing to go to Gurgaon after starting trip. Cust care too has ignored request so far.