@xAbhishek Was just me — helping out students (participating indata.gov.in/community/idea…Y) get started with web-dev.
@xAbhishek Repeated your tour of the South Campus today. Spent afternoon interacting with students in the IIC computer lab.
@jackerhack So your responsibility will mostly be to address the appeals. Huge reduction of effort, I’d guess.
@jackerhack HTTP status code can be 302 for say 2 days informing takedown, followed by 410 after that.
@jackerhack Simple crowdsourced delete workflow would be to send email to recruiter on delete and give him an option to appeal to you.
@jackerhack Ideally no action should be irreversible. @satyaakam @oddtazz
@satyaakam @guneetnarula @RamniqueSingh Looking forward!
@beanbuffs Not sure if I can make it tomorrow. If I can, I will ping you.
@beanbuffs We want Live Tweets! :p @BlueTokaiCoffee
@lokallobaat Just visit a restaurant two days apart and create a similar scene.
.@atti_cus Still afraid of the first run? Start with dashing for food. #fatmansays #protip @lokallobaat
@Cleartrip Problem is still not fixed guys. Your system is not letting me book flights operated by Jet Airways around those dates.
@Cleartrip Please let me know when the issue gets resolved.
@atti_cus They had a special menu at then —zomato.com/ncr/roadhouse-…f
Also, these guys have decent burgers -zomato.com/ncr/smoke-hous…tA
@IsUncommon Thanks for being so modest! Peers like you help us get better. :)
zainabbawa The Fifth Elephant conference ticket sales will close as soon as we max venue capacity. Buy tickets today! fifthelephant.in/2013/conference @fifthel
gonsalves_r Say hello, world, to the new design co-op!
RT @IsUncommon: Hello world!
@gonsalves_r @IsUncommon @SirLoondry @arpancj @3_Sided_Coin @madz314 All the best folks!
beanbuffs How instant coffee is created? A must read. bluetokaicoffee.com/whats-in-your-… by @BlueTokaiCoffee
@Cleartrip Funny, Cleartrip Mobile lets me continue with the booking. Jet site too confirms availability and shows cheaper rates.
@Cleartrip Nope, doesn’t work. There’s something wrong.

@Cleartrip Why am I unable to book this on the Desktop — says flight is full in the final step?pic.twitter.com/8yOQ7k5VBRR
@gonsalves_r Link please.
gonsalves_r OH at a coffee snob blog: “…direction of pouring should be reversed for those in the Northern Hemisphere.”
“@tetisheri: Calling board game enthusiasts in #Delhi. Sign up to play on weekends. facebook.com/BoardGamesInDe…” /cc @bhavyakhanna
@nisheeth the fact that they claim, or the claim itself?
drjackbennett 99% of tech firms claim to only hire the top 1% of candidates.
gonsalves_r Anyone have a spare Macbook Air charger?
Someone get this to #Delhi NOW!! “@jackerhack: .@hallidude speedtest.net/result/2795314…”
lokallobaat Really bad scenes. Escaped some firecrackers and hooligans driving really badly on the road. Stay far FAR away from India Gate. #delhi
lokallobaat Anyone headed towards India Gate side. TURN BACK NOW!!! Full on rioting going on by some Muslim folks. #delhi
@harisibrahimkv जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाए!
@KishoreBhargava You must. Love @BlueTokaiCoffee’s fresh roasts, their packaging and even their blog. @beanbuffs
“@gonsalves_r: @BlueTokaiCoffee Some nice aeropress recipes here:
worldaeropresschampionship.com/recipes/” /cc: @beanbuffs @KishoreBhargava
rajathkedi Anybody know a good general physician in and around indiranagar?
@turmericdesign Surely will. It’s on my list now.
@turmericdesign So ice cream is exposed to the lowered freezing pt temp (say -16°C) rather than the usual 0°C throughout the melting process
@turmericdesign Salt in ice doesn’t really make it ‘colder’. Just lowers freezing point to below 0°C and thus slows the melting process.
@lokallobaat Paise aur time, but I presume you don’t have a shortage of either.
TIL that not only are litchis in Old Delhi cheaper, but they are also sold without branches/leaves. Plan to binge on litchis for dinner!
@turmericdesign @rungta @lokallobaat Great! Get some friends along – more company won’t hurt. // Recover soo@kishiarorara
beanbuffs We have also started stocking Coffee Powder and Equipments for brewing coffee. Contact us for freshest coffee .#coffeesatsang
@turmericdesign @kishiarora @rungta @lokallobaat Suggest a time? 2:30/3pm?
@turmericdesign @kishiarora @rungta @lokallobaat Weekend is here folks. Tomorrow’s lunch at Carnatic?
@jackerhack Only Maestro cards require that. Isn’t it?

Just pass on the blame: Metro (not having bins), Epicuria (distributing leaflets), Dilliwale (littering) #whocares pic.twitter.com/t4K6VwDAqC

Folks from Epicuria food court (Nehru Place) are distributing paper leaflets to people boarding the metro escalator. pic.twitter.com/ImTJlpLIIP
@jaseemts Spotted under Kailash Colony Metro Station, Delhi.

Classic example of jugaad. pic.twitter.com/NNkEmBOLmz
@gonsalves_r Food allergies/restrictions are a bitch.

Also wonder if the ashram where I had put up in Uttarkashi is intact. The door on the left was our room. pic.twitter.com/BrtXQywhwf
The stories of Aug’12 floods are still fresh in my memory. Hope the storytellers are safe, and their villages well stocked up.
3 weeks back I witnessed the wreckage caused in Uttarkashi by Aug’12 floods first hand. Shudder to think that it’s happening again.
@kishiarora Sure.
@kishiarora I can help. Anything specific or a bunch of petty issues? #HelpFirstHelpingLater
@jitendravyas Don’t worry, Rajma Chawal vendors are all there. :)
My favourite Dal Makhni-Chawal vendor in Nehru Place has shut shop. Sob. :’(
beanbuffs Event: Coffee Satsang, a Speciality Coffee Workshop - 4th Coffee Satsang: 22nd June, 2013 Venue: 143 A, 2nd… tmblr.co/ZJFzjuncaUqH
@delhifoodiesDFZ Where?
@vrinda_m Oi budday girl, Happywala Budday!
Finally Delhi has got @hasgeek’s attention. Big Data folks, block your calendar: Thu, June 20, 6:30pm-8:30pm fifthelephant.in/2013/delhi-eve… #fifthel
@turmericdesign @kishiarora @rungta @lokallobaat Sounds good.
@turmericdesign NFC. Please go (or come along with us). Easily my go to place for South Indian fare. @kishiarora
@turmericdesign Been to Carnatic Café yet? @kishiarora
@turmericdesign Sagar Ratnas are usually sad. @kishiarora
@SirLoondry You take too many photos while driving. #risky
@turmericdesign where where?
@beanbuffs @KishoreBhargava 22nd, you mean?
@beanbuffs What’s up, no noise? @KishoreBhargava
hasgeek We have limited space at the venue for the Delhi Data event. RSVP here to attend hsgk.in/13x2QMK

rungta New favourite workspace for beautiful Delhi days like today: the Deer Park instagram.com/p/agYIq2Fzsk/
mesonprojekt In-browser design makes me feel like a real Web / interaction designer. Photoshop makes it feel like I’m designing for print.
mesonprojekt Designing in the browser feels very liberating. I know I’ve said this before.
3_Sided_Coin Has anyone worked with Bitbucket? We have been having connection related problems for last 3 days. HELP!
I think ACs in #DTC buses were designed for this kind of weather — dark, cloudy and pleasant.#facepalmm
@bpbdelhi Every place I go to insists for the physical Coup Card. Why haven’t you told them about the Passbook pass?
@bhupinder87 News source?
@Abhishek_Rai Just noticed your new DP! And oh..youtu.be/_Av62qXgFYAmo :p :)
fifthel We’re coming to Delhi! Presenting an evening of data stories & conversations: Taming the Elephant. RSVP here –> hsgk.in/13x2QMK
@_karan Tell your friends, maybe.
@_karan Get this done, pleeaaasee! twitter.com/souvikdg/statu…
@gonsalves_r Photos are a little tricky. Don’t need it all the time, but offloading onto an external drive ensures that I never revisit them
@gonsalves_r I do that with videos but can’t separate myself from my (ever growing) music library.
@isnav :D @SirLoondry
@gonsalves_r Also I wish iPhoto had better support for splitting my Photo library between my internal hard disk and external one.
@gonsalves_r Music, photos and VMs take up 80% of my current hard drive.
@_karan यह दिल माॅगे more!
@gonsalves_r On any device, storage is the first thing I run short of incl. iPhone. Want portability of MBA, and am happy with other config.
Oh! Hello 30 degrees!
@SirLoondry Not immediately, but a laptop upgrade is on the cards.
@SirLoondry That’ll be a good to have, but I value storage more. Also, Retinas are power hungry and Apple chose power efficiency this time.
@SirLoondry Pricy, yes. But prices are getting more favourable each passing day. Surely it won’t make Airs more expensive than MBPs.
Was looking forward to more hardware announcements at WWDC, especially 1 TB upgrade for the Macbook Airs.
@keeperofthekeys Happy Birthday! :)
@nisheeth Have a super birthday!
@GnrlMxms No idea. I can’t possibly test that on my laptop – no discrete GPU. How did you detect that, and does it crash the browser?
@ap00rv I am guessing that was the Gurgaon rapid metro?
@arvthampi Oi, big congrats!
metarefresh We’re organizing a two-day hands-on responsive design workshop on 14-15th June. Register here —> cssworkshop.metarefresh.in
@vishalmenda Taste of Tibet, Indo Dubai Plaza, Brigade Road.
@Svara This one’s opened recently. There are more Starbucks in Delhi – Saket, GK, Vasant Kunj@lokallobaatat
@ap00rv I’ve just had their Americano and now their Frappuccino, both of which I like. I think I’ll have to judge over repeat visits.
@ap00rv Yes. At the Metro Station, and bilkul khaali.

Starbucks, Nehru Place. pic.twitter.com/Cc5rBhiRQj
@BlueTokaiCoffee Any store in Delhi that stocks your coffee?
@_karan This was the 3rd or 4th one.
@_karan No you didn’t lose track. It was never announced on twitter. यहाँ: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodital @rasagy
Broke a chair at home. #achievementunlocked #fatmansays
@turmericdesign I was wondering what the QRs were doing there for most of the time. Did check one at the very end – right before leaving.
@turmericdesign Awesome awesome drawings at the Smoke House Deli, HKV!
@geohacker Kunzum is closed. How about Flipside Café? @planemad @satyaakam @s_shashank_s @sevenaces
@geohacker Kunzum is closed. Suggest another location? @s_shashank_s @sevenaces @planemad
Another trekking trail has been conquered. Back in Delhi in a tired, exhausted and a burned out state feels like: oneforthetable.com/images/stories…
@vrinda_m Have fun and see you soon!
@geohacker @s_shashank_s @sevenaces @planemad HKV works for me. Is 2pm confirmed?
@geohacker Sure. Any idea where you’d be meeting? South Delhi, CP?
@geohacker Guess you’re meeting lots of folks in Delhi. Can I crash?
@hallidude Thanks buddy! :)
@rasagy बहुत धन्यवाद। यात्रा बढ़िया रही, मगर बेहद थकान है।
@zainabbawa in shape, not in weight.
@zainabbawa Many thanks, magar itna hawa mein na chadhao! :)
@AbdulWK Thanks a lot! :)
@keeperofthekeys Thanks Nidhi!
@rashmiswamy Thanks! Couldn’t have got better wishes than that. Just managed to get on my feet.
harisibrahimkv Tweet! @hasgeek is organizing a Responsive Web Design workshop on June 14th and 15th with @arpancj. Checkout cssworkshop.metarefresh.in