@gonsalves_r Yes. Shall be rooting for you.
@amitangshu @guneetnarula Yet to listen to this podcast. Will do soon.
@guneetnarula @amitangshu Just so happens that Uber and Ola have in a way monopolised it. There should be a way to democratise it.
@Paytmcare Please tell me the status of Complaint/Query Ref No: 90012198. It has disappeared from my app without any resolution.
@ZoomCarIndia Is this true that profile verification can happen with any other Government ID other than Aadhaar? https://t.co/a5nNi4OFll
@9porcupine @gojektech @nilenso Congratulations and all the best!
@shrayasr @malnadultra All the best Shrayas!