Souvik Das Gupta (@souvikdg)

New Delhi, India

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @souvikdg ever

February 2018

Twitter, where is Hatti Kaapi in New Delhi?

Will save me few BLR trips a year.

via Tweetbot for i?S from New Delhi, India

@jitendravyas @Shilpi_Kapoor Thanks Jitendra.

Shilpi, do take a look at @_basestation. Metro is pretty close (~1km).

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to jitendravyas from Siri Fort, New Delhi

@deobald @nigelbabu My knowledge of bikes is so limited that I understood nothing in that tweet.

via Tweetbot for i?S from New Delhi, India

Anyone in who practises Information Architecture (IA) at a non-profit/NGO? Would like to hear their experience at @WIAD_NewDelhi.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Siri Fort, New Delhi

@jitendravyas Never done a @wordpressdotcom hosting. But unlikely because their revenue model is per domain / website.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to jitendravyas from Siri Fort, New Delhi