@ray1claw Of course the best case is to completely remove physical/paper tickets and for that they will have to lobby event organisers.
@ray1claw They can also send out passbook passes with barcode/QRs which would make things faster and eco friendly.
@ray1claw Manually hunting a long printed list of ticket holders is obviously inefficient. Better way is to use bar codes/digital means.
@ray1claw Did you watch the video? They know the expected volume/class of tickets and yet the counters are not prepared to handle the crowd.
@keeperofthekeys Haha, even twitter doesn’t recognise that to be a part of the url! :p
@keeperofthekeys hi.wikipedia.org/wiki/मुखपृष्ठ
@ray1claw This is what I am complaining against —twitpic.com/dfij6pP@bookmyshoww
.@bookmyshow_sup No need to contact me personally. I ain’t the only one affected by your inefficient ticket counters. twitpic.com/dfij6p
@keeperofthekeys Correction, I think Flickr uses a separate screen name.
@keeperofthekeys Twitter, Flickr, Facebook all use your username in their urls. And also, you can have unicode characters in url. :)
“तो कलमुहेँ तुझे ‘हरिवंश’ गोबर माफ़िक़ लागे?”
gonsalves_r Do you design Android apps? Have an opinion about them? Would you like to talk about them at @droidconIN? Get in touch with me please.
@ray1claw That’s a secondary concern. No matter who pays them we can do without their bullshit at event entrances. @bookmyshow

Pity that my first taste of Wadali Brothers’ live performance lasted only an hour. Could’ve listened to them forever. instagram.com/p/e2l_BkHEYD/

It’s been a few years @bookmyshow has been in business, yet they’re so messy on the ground. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. pic.twitter.com/O3uVLjamWD
@surdattack Commendable!

nigelbabu SCIENCE! i.imgur.com/Ur0Sfhh.jpg
shauninman “I do not argue on the internet” pourmecoffee.smallpict.com/?story=finePri… @pourmecoffee’s fine print should be the internet’s pledge of allegiance.
@SirLoondry Okay. If only I could make that response instinctive.
Hey cool dudes, what do you say when you’re asked “What’s up?” and you’ve nothing to announce?
@bhavyakhanna It should, but you need to touch 13-14km once to really know how well your body copes up.
@bhavyakhanna May the force be with you.
@bhavyakhanna Very optimistic you are. What are your training times?
@bhavyakhanna Go! Go!
Have you done a half marathon/timed long distance run before?
@bhavyakhanna 2:45? *fingers crossed*
@bhavyakhanna I’ve already achieved under 3 hrs in a trail half marathon 10 days back. \m/
@lokallobaat I can assure you that I’ve gained inches over the 3 weeks in South India. @atti_cus @DilliBelle @rungta
DavidBrent Avoid employing unlucky people by throwing away 50% of the job applications without even reading them. #wisdom
@aadvaark Not strongly enforced yet, so most likely no.
It’s hard to express the Kaveri Trail Marathon experience in words, so I curated some of the event photos: storify.com/souvikdg/kaver… #KTM2013

City bus tickets: Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. pic.twitter.com/8wlDeQLX4z
@aadvaark Sunday afternoon works.
@rasagy Report —plaintextoffenders.comI@harisibrahimkvv
@aadvaark Head to Khan Market. Have the Kakori Kebabs / Rolls at Khan Chacha.
Also, when do we catch up?
kaustavdm We are planning to make regular developer meetups in #Kolkata. If you are in the city, stay in touch!
@Abhishek_Rai Okay. Then I’ll wait for the 3rd Saturday.
@Abhishek_Rai Hello sir, I’m back in town. When’s the next #coffeesatsang on demand?

lokallobaat Browsers. pic.twitter.com/HpPQBTszJn
@ap00rv DEL / BLR ?
@ap00rv What now?

@zainabbawa Yo yo. 👌 pic.twitter.com/d5ewDgVufx
@bhavyakhanna Okay okay.
@bhavyakhanna WTF! Dates shouldn’t matter (unless it’s gonna be too hot).
Hey @NH7, free limited edition tees and all is good. How about a limited-edition XXL size for the likes of us? #fatmansays
@rungta Upto Dwarka and then switch to the normal metro.
@abhijeetmk Hello sir, working tom?
Hello functional Metro network. I was so sick of simply staring at pillars over the last 3 weeks.
Sannas, iddiappams, neer dosas, stew, chicken curry. Now I need a bed. #jsfoo
Hashbangs? NO NO! Please don’t break the web. #jsfoo
@ap00rv I’ve added “another nasty experience” to my list today morning — in spite of the auto guy agreeing to go by meter.
jsfooindia Dear iOS updaters on a conference net connection,
We know.
@NetRoY @jsfooindia super!
jaisonjustus Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded at #jsfoo
Dear Microsoft folks at #jsfoo, you know that the loud audio/music is completely unsolicited and annoying, don’t you? @jsfooindia
Right about now you have a better chance of finding needles in a haystack than seats at the #jsfoo auditorium. @jsfooindia
threepointone “@codepo8: Info about the changes in iOS7 Safari and how it affects HTML5 apps mobilexweb.com/blog/safari-io… ”
“If everything on your website depends on javascript to load, that’s not good.” —@codepo88. And I second that wholeheartedly.#jsfooo
@void_imagineer Can we catch up during lunch? Will walk you through the latest jsfoo website code.
@beanbuffs yay! <3
@aadvaark Sounds good! See you in a few hours.
@aadvaark Will be free today — lunch/after lunch. Tomorrow and day after I’ll be at@jsfooindiaa.
@aadvaark Hey, how are you doing? Leaving Sun afternoon.
jackerhack TIL CSS has vw and vh units for sizes relative to viewport width/height, and media queries can query device orientation too. @codepo8
Cleartrip For Cleartrip Mobile, iOS6 adoption 24 hours after launch was 6%. iOS7 is already at 10%.
beanbuffs 1st Anniversary : Apurav, a musician will take us through the journey of Indian music; past, present and future. - 6th #coffeesatsang
@beanbuffs Damn I’m not in town. :(
beanbuffs 2 more days to go for 6th #cofeesatsang . Come and taste the best ducking coffee in the country. Register here-> facebook.com/events/1741279…
“When did the terminal become the first thing to use when I need to run some CSS?” —@codepo88 on CSS preprocessors.#hahaa
Out in the streets of Bangalore without an umbrella. I feel so fragile.
@rashmiswamy yes.
@abhijeetmk This one was amazing dude! Will describe when we meet.

…and beachpic.twitter.com/yHX6NLB1DBDB
@zainabbawa Me? me?
@geohacker in Bangalore — Bannergatta Road.
Today’s the day to load up. Wish me carbohydrates!
@geohacker See you at jsfoo? @harisibrahimkv
@harisibrahimkv Whenever we meet next. :)
Will be there at @jsfooindia. Right now I am in BLR but will be travelling Sun-Thu.
rungta One doesn’t train in design to make posters or logos. One trains to develop an increasingly intuitive sense of what works and why.
@harisibrahimkv Wait till you hear my latest Google maps horror story.
harisibrahimkv Okay, who put this bloody road in between all these nicely laid pot holes? #bangalore
@SirLoondry I can vouch for that. @ap00rv
rungta Bangalore tomorrow! Who wants to meetup?
_karan iPhone 4S is now iPhone 4s. #RetroactiveRenaming apple.com/iphone-4s/spec…
GhantaGuy “What the fuck? How the fuck? When the fuck? Why the fuck?
Fuck this shit, don’t ask.”
- ‘Ye kya hua’ from Amar Prem
@priyanka87 :)
@sandgorgon1 Sigh! I’m back in BLR.
My attitude towards idlis, vadas and filter coffee in this South India trip: आन दो।
tetisheri #help #Delhi Need a programmer to work for 2 days on a simple pygame project. Kinda urgent. For a simple game.
vrinda_m You know we are doomed as a society when “hbd” is an appropriate thing to say to a classmate on Facebook on her birthday.
@madz314 No problem. Next time maybe.
@DilliBelle :) \m/
Trip within a trip within a trip…
Delhi → 1740kms → Bangalore → 570kms → Hyderabad →146kms → Warangal →316kms ride to lakes/temples/forests
#fatmansays “@bhavyakhanna: In New York City & just saw a 120 kilo massive guy with a t shirt that read I’m not chubby I’m just easy to see”
@lokallobaat That looks like Kumbh Mela in the US.

O BOY! O BOY! O BOY! Hyderabad trip can now be declared a success. pic.twitter.com/0Mgv5Twvf2
@geohacker HUMONGOUS.
Hyderabad is a terrible place to be if you’re eating out alone and hate wasting food.
Seat stealing skills picked up in #DTC buses coming handy here in Hyderabad. Won my first duel.
@madz314 Possible to catch up for lunch (or just after)?
@madz314 Oh, I’m putting up in Hitech City— right next to Heart Cup. Plan to work out of there in the morning and head out for a late lunch.
@DilliBelle Jahan mile, jitna mile, jab mile.

Worst thing about visiting Hyderabad a month after Ramzan. pic.twitter.com/5pmEfj0FCj
@gonsalves_r Where is @IsUncommon HYD? And where is @madz314?
@abhijeetmk Also, wait till I bombard you with all the Biryani reviews. :x
@abhijeetmk Oh, super! #%@#%
Fairly free during the day. Anyone in Hyderabad?
Time to focus on fauxfleured.wordpress.com/2011/10/31/780…
@sandgorgon1 Ghee roast chicken was awesome! Thanks for the recco.

East facing window seat FTW! pic.twitter.com/zllaez96UT
Dinner at Murugan Idli Shop. Breakfast at MTR. \m/
@priyanka87 Arre yaar, kuch ata pata to batao.
@lokallobaat :D :D :D
“@Brilliant_Ads: Gold’s Gym Ad: From Fat to Fit pic.twitter.com/hBpT9GdV8f”
Lawyers, please get in touch. #fatmansays

@geohacker Just the cutlets? @zainabbawa should’ve also got a share of the other stuff. @kingslyj @gonsalves_r pic.twitter.com/BwWOYK1Tl2

geohacker Happy beef cutlet men. @souvikdg @kingslyj @gonsalves_r pic.twitter.com/Smdq4IGGIZ
@geohacker Don’t worry. If you can’t make it, I can. #umbrellaforthewin #anythingforbeefcutlets @kingslyj @gonsalves_r
@abhijeetmk Self confessed loser.
@kingslyj I was supposed to call you when I was sure about our plan. @geohacker was supposed to inform me after he’d spoken to @gonsalves_r.
@rashmiswamy Will let you know as soon as I’ve nailed my plan. Tentatively we can do lunch. Will be heading to Cooke Town after that.
@geohacker Is it polished off already? Will be at @gonsalves_r’s tom. @kingslyj
@insidevivek Should’ve been 410. #pyconindia2013
@geohacker @kingslyj @gonsalves_r Wait a sec, till when is this offer open?
@sudarmuthu Of course you did not disappoint! :)
@kracetheking @hasgeek Finally.
@gonsalves_r (as a user)
@gonsalves_r Oh oh, the Android codenames — I can pardon that cause it doesn’t come up in your face.
@gonsalves_r Don’t know, but if Android has too many things named after food it is a good enough reason for me to not use it. :p
Heartbroken to find out that Raspberry Pi ain’t a dessert. They should ban naming random things after food. #pyconindia2013 #fatmansays
@geohacker I need cheering up too! @gonsalves_r
jackerhack Watched @kennethreitz’s keynote at #pyconindia on the live stream. <3 requests.
chowdhury_sayan Quote of the day for me “Negative diffs are the best diffs” by @kennethreitz #pyconindia2013
Plenty of open source talk at #pyconindia2013, but more importantly a push towards good practices.
“Simplicity is always better than functionality.”
Wise words at #pyconindia2013.