My centre-of-gravity is a little ahead of me. #fatmansays
@Zomato Oh, that tiny link doesn’t make it any less annoying. At the very least it should’ve read “Never bug me again.”
bellycentric Demolish “The Conqueror” — burger challenge at Roadhouse Bar and Grill on 4th…b#foodiealertt
So @Zomato, does “going social” mean hiding menus behind annoying sign up walls?
Must thank the @tiffinboxers for causing that latest outing.
@pandorazjukebox Binsar & Jaageshwar.
The mad dash just got over. Perhaps the most unplanned trip I’ve ever undertaken.
Amazing it was, but right now I am stinking like a pig.
Mad dash commences.
rungta Who’s up for a mad-dash escape to Binsar (in the Kumaon range) this weekend? We leave Friday night, return Monday morning. #openvite
JSProfessor Win at performance metrics by re-calibrating time: Date.prototype.valueOf = function() {return this.getTime() * 0.9};
Khaane jaa rahe hai to kya hua, ghar se khaali pet thode hi niklenge. #fatmansays
jasonfried Being proud of your work is a feature.
Amazing luck with the (nearly) last metro & bus back home. Metro driver reopened the door and #dtc driver spotted me just as he was leaving.
aakashd Core principle of estimation in XP - you’ll get as much done today as you got done yesterday -
@shamail Go with your heart.
@keeperofthekeys Hey, Happy Birthday!
@rohananeja Sahi soch Rohan. Don’t skydive. We can’t really be sure where you’ll fly off to. :p #KuchKhayaPiyaKar @satinderrana
@satinderrana Sweet! And Congrats!
@rohananeja Next time. Aaj bohut hi brief time ke liye mila tha.
@nisheeth Happywala Budday!
@AroraDush Salim Kabab has opened a new outlet near Khan Market. Go have their Kakori.
Today’s heatwave reminds me of the (few) days I worked at the smithy workshop in college.
@MaAlterEgo WTF bc! Batana nahi hota! Aaja sheher!
@MaAlterEgo Dude, the fascination of birthdays has worn off. Lazy day + some good food is all that makes it a good day. It was a good day.
@ivabz Thanks. :) Yes, all in PHP.
@ivabz Fetching the data off Flickr periodically and caching it. Using
@rasagy Yay! Congrats!
@satinderrana Ye @rohananeja pata nahi kya samajhta hai Chd ko. Faltoo ka ghamand.
@ap00rv It has been selling home appliances for a long time now.
@vikramadhiman huh?!
@VarunSPuri Cousin sis.
@nimitnshah Thanks! :)
@xAbhishek Cousin sis.

Birthday Card! #fatmansays
@xAbhishek Disclaimer: @rashmiswamy didn’t quote me! However I do share the same feelings on my birthday.
@keeperofthekeys Am on it! Thanks!
@cooljaz124 Thanks Jaseem!
@rashmiswamy Burp! Thanks! :)
@gonsalves_r Thanks Rahul! :)
@rasagy Thanks!
@VarunSPuri Chal be, I bet you didn’t read this:…
@rohananeja Closest Metro station to IHC is JLN Stadium. Get out from the Lodi Road exit, from there 10 mins walk.
@rohananeja Tomorrow ghar pe full time. Can catch up on Sun or today – there is a free Swarathma + Indian Ocean gig at IHC, 7pm.