@rasagy Nope. Work. :/
bhavyakhanna Run for Unity from Vijay Chowk to India Gate: Because no one from BJP physically capable of running any longer than that

vbuildcommunity Join our team:
- Analyst —>hasjob.co/view/mtfvxa
- Community Manager —>hasjob.co/view/ltn79xpic.twitter.com/8Hv19XBHonon
First foggy morning of the season. Pace-walked followed by the second rabies shot.

kns008 ROK Espresso at work today // by @souvikdg. #tw #Espresso pic.twitter.com/cXCWOBiQ1w
@Abhishek_Rai Got at French Press at work. Plan to carry the Rok Espresso for a day today. :)
Come over?
@Abhishek_Rai Broken link.
@PinguicVerse tsk tsk! #smallperson सोच :p
gonsalves_r Looking for a used Mac Mini. Let me know if you have an old one (2011/12 ideally) that you’d like to sell?
datameet 3 weeks til OPEN DATA CAMP DELHI! Register today! odc.datameet.org/odcdelhi2014
@isnav Yeah, just got done. You kept me engaged throughout the bus ride. Thank you! :)
@isnav But that would mean the creator has to create duplicates — which is a bad thing in the first place.
@isnav Granular access control is a bitch.
@isnav Technically that’s how it’ll work. But for a user it’s as complex as maintaining tight control over who gets to see a Facebook post.
@isnav Hope that (sort of) makes sense.
Guess 140 char limit makes you go in circles a few times. :)
@isnav Not straightforward, but you’ll need an authenticated feed (or multiple URLs) and have to add access settings for each event created.
@isnav Oh, then you can make a personal calendar feed and put all events that you want “publicly known” on that. Others can subscribe to it.

Looks like I bettered @NatGeoPhotos on this one. Can I claim an #achievementunlocked?
@isnav Pretty much. If you make a custom solution (or maybe one already exists) you could lift (or impose) constraints of a shared calendar.
@isnav Well, theoretically, it can be a shared event repository with multiple people managing it.
@vikramadhiman These days there are plenty of UberX cars around. Or do you stick to just Uber Black? @konarkmodi
@isnav You can create a feed that people can subscribe to.
@nigelbabu Oh my!
@PinguicVerse Thanks. Nothing much to take care though, except remembering to take injections on time.
@keeperofthekeys I plead innocence. twitter.com/souvikdg/statu…
@jimanish First of five, yes.
@_karan Typically doesn’t happen without provocation—unless a dog has aggressive tendencies or rabies. The tetanus injection hurts more. :p
@rasagy Haha. Participated in Delhi Heritage Half Marathon — Qutub Minar to Chandni Chowk. :)
@_karan दौर ख़त्म हो चुकी थी। @bhavyakhanna के साथ चाँदनी चौक में खाने का आनंद ले राहा था। पीछे से काट गया पागल कुत्ता।
@_karan आज दो, आगे चार ओर।
Got at early morning dog bite at Chandni Chowk. Guess I can’t use this saying any more — “मुझे क्या पागल कुत्ते ने काटा है?”
@surdattack Happy Birthday!
@SirLoondry Wasn’t in that hour. :)
@Abhishek_Rai 🙌
@kaustavdm Ha.
@_karan वही तो create करना था।
Trying to sleep early for over an hour without success. Dark room, classical ragas playing in the background — what am I missing?
@kns008 Someone hacked your phone or what?
@vikramadhiman Sorry, no idea about Android / related hardware.
@jasim_ab :)
brad_frost Be Progressive adactio.com/journal/7706 @adactio with some smart, pragmatic thoughts about progressive enhancement and the future.
Can’t imagine why not. #fatmansays “@lokallobaat: At Burma Superstar and want to order everything on the menu. But cannot :(“

albertocairo Fantastic New Yorker cartoon shared by @johngrimwade to illustrate the problem with overly complex #dataviz pic.twitter.com/l8y3zN7hyt
As far as I can tell, this is by far the cleanest day-after-Diwali air in Dwarka. Wish this keeps getting better each year.
@nigelbabu Okay. Clearly it hasn’t stood out till now. @PinguicVerse
@PinguicVerse How come the small person hasn’t yet given @nigelbabu a befitting byname?
@_karan I’ve seen you answer this so many times that I think this time you should put it down on your Twitter bio. @rasagy

TimesofBullshit “Diwali ki raat, khushion ki barsaat” - Paki pseudo secularism (pic by @theRealYLH) pic.twitter.com/vz0nU6RSqL
To everyone: दीपावली की शुभ कामनाएँ!
If you fancy messaging Diwali wishes in Hindi, but are too lazy to type it out start with greeting @_karan and forward his response. #protip
@abhijeetmk Kingfisher, no? /@rungta
atti_cus . Bring back black money! Shouted the Mob. While whispering, is property ki sale mein cash component kitna dena hai?
@bhavyakhanna You ran the morning after a family (or any) feast?! 🙌
@ap00rv Clearly you never tried it on me.
@jonathandmello You mean front page-s, right? twitter.com/souvikdg/statu…
@SirLoondry Don’t think international transactions need VBV.
Looks like @Uber_Delhi just got cheaper than driving my ageing car.

Look how many “front pages” today’s edition of @timesofindia carries.
“Happy Dhanteras!” #not pic.twitter.com/PpvFrZcZzl
@arpancj Ooo. Happy Birthday (belated?)! When was it?
gonsalves_r For sale: Late-2012 27” iMac (3.2GHz/8GB RAM, GTX 675MX).
#sale #bangalore
@rasagy Sure, we can catch up when you’re back from Dharamshala.
@rasagy When are you in town / passing by?
AksharPathak *opens fridge*
*finds nothing*
*waits for five minutes*
*goes to the fridge again*
*lowers standards*
*opens fridge*
.@sevenaces And it’s a lift going up to a restaurant. Shudder to think of the risk levels on our way down. #fatmansays

Real men don’t weigh that less. #fatmansays pic.twitter.com/DyYLpDdMXY
@lokallobaat What expression was that?
@kns008 Perfect.
@kns008 Woohoo!

Clear priorities. #fatmansays “@kaustavdm: @souvikdg Here you go boy! Here’s your happy donut pic.twitter.com/W2OqrKhlZn”
@kaustavdm Haha, brilliant! :) @varunbajaj21
@kaustavdm Feed me a donut and I’ll be happy again. #fatmansays @varunbajaj21
@kaustavdm I thought I took a sensible decision by getting off the rick. Damn! #sadpandaface @varunbajaj21
@abhijeetmk Wasn’t happy making the attempt. Good it happened and I ended up walking and reached the destination before the rickshaw did.
@jitendravyas Rickshaw ke peeche wale seat pe baitha (facing backwards) to driver samet aage ka pahiya utha diya. @varunbajaj21
In other news, I almost toppled a cycle rickshaw by attempting to share the backseat with @varunbajaj21. #fatmansays #achievementunlocked
A run from home to Chandni Chowk followed by walking 300 years in time with friends @Delhi_Dallying. Today has been a total #win.
@Delhi_Dallying Issue with the frame is that it’s tough to focus on both the subject and the frame.
datameet First Open DataCamp Delhi 2014 is on Nov 15, Go ahead and register odc.datameet.org/odcdelhi2014

bellycentric For those who love ice creams during Delhi winters — Naturals has opened its 1st store in the city (GK2)#foodiealerttpic.twitter.com/YYQHkGEgq77
@vikramadhiman Stay away I’d say. If at all you need to view some flash based website, chrome might work out of the box.
@ajantriks Oh, yes, thanks @amitangshu and @ishaparihar. Let me also thank you in advance for arranging cupcakes in the upcoming meetup. :p
rasagy Realizing the joy of writing in markdown, and the pain of converting rich text to markdown manually. Oh boy.
@runadhm Guys, what time?
anexasajoop RT @PinguicVerse Call for Applications - CSJ Legal Fellowships csjindia.org/fellowship
@ajantriks Today? where?
@BlueTokaiCoffee Thanks. Then I’ll stop following up on that last shipment with the courier guys.
@vikramadhiman Chrome?
rasagy .@metarefresh 2015 is now accepting submissions!
Looking for talks around enhancing #UX on #mobile web: bit.ly/Zndaug
@BlueTokaiCoffee Fedex folks tell me that they have a huge delivery backlog. By now the coffee would’ve been over a week old. :(
@BlueTokaiCoffee Shall follow up with them tomorrow from my end as well.
@BlueTokaiCoffee Arrived back in town and found out that my last coffee order never arrived home. :(
@kingslyj No prob. Got caught up with a friend. Next time.
@kingslyj I’m near JP Nagar. Can we pull off something? @gonsalves_r
@gonsalves_r @kingslyj Free to catch up today evening?
Thankfully the most polished presentation (by @soaibgrewal) was kept for the end. #uxindia14
Caught a quick nap at a conference — snored a bit and got woken up.#achievementunlockedd
#fatmansays “@sevenaces: You can either #FastForHer or both of you could just go out and get fat together! #FatForHer”
Vidyarthi Bhavan. Check.
mainbhiengineer Dating a South Indian girl, so that she can be a strong password.
@gonsalves_r Will you attend the Geekup tomorrow?
OH: Minimum Viable Value Articulation. #uxindia14
@jackerhack I guess I’ll see her at the Geekup? @gonsalves_r
@gonsalves_r Leaving on Sunday. Days will be spent at #uxindia14. Maybe one of the evenings. Let me figure out.
@kingslyj Plenty of places, including Miller’s Road (just passed). @gonsalves_r
@gonsalves_r Hello Hello!
@SirLoondry If it rains this hard even Delhi will be submerged.
Whattay downpour! Hello flooded Bangalore streets.
KhapPanchayat Only idiots buy from Flipkart. REAL men demand dowry.

Delhi_Dallying Here’s the #Walktober schedule @souvikdg Spots are filling up faster than we anticipated! Have you registered yet? pic.twitter.com/r4M2f1qMl8
@geohacker @zainabbawa Offering a good value has turned into a matter of reputation for the bride’s family.
@geohacker @zainabbawa …earlier demand to an unsaid expectation that is fulfilled under the cover of “shagun”.
@geohacker @zainabbawa Been attending quite a few weddings lately, and I’ve realised how dowry has moved from being something that you’d…
The new iPhones are so pricey that even selling my organs won’t buy me one. Guess I’m left with only one socially acceptable way: दहेज
Sale. Deals. Offers. Cashbacks. Miles. #fml
@Delhi_Dallying Do you have the entire month’s schedule available anywhere?
@abhijeetmk If only they’d offer a 3G model.

Brilliant_Ads A book store where books are wrapped in paper with short descriptions so no one will ‘judge a book by it’s cover’ pic.twitter.com/6DA4hD4IVD
Delhi_Dallying We launch the #Walktober series in a few hours, interesting walks to our favorite corners of Old Delhi this whole month! Who’s coming?
@abhijeetmk Happy birthday uncle!
Loud speakers and live performance in full swing right now at 12:30am in our Durga Puja pandal. Who gives a fuck about the 10pm rule?!
keeperofthekeys My theory is that most people don’t realise how utterly ghastly they will look on their wedding day.
twitortat Ok, advance bookings of the iPhone 6+ have started in India. At INR 65,900/-, that’s about USD 1100. Let the organ donations begin.
@ankurkapoor86 Nice job on one of my favourite songs. Where was this shot?
bhak_sala Hockey team wins, Chak De is trended
Mary Kom wins, Priyanka is congratulated
We are the same people who ask why talent is not recognized
SunnyBissu The way Bongs fight for extra flowers during Anjali, you’d think the amt. of blessings received is directly proportional to flowers thrown.

Abhishek_Rai Last Day : Shahpurjat Office Space
Rent : 30k/ Month
Furnishings: 1.25lacs—> abhishekrai.tumblr.com/post/979494495 pic.twitter.com/di1yglfdQt
Get me a pork rib. #fatmansays
Today: Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan
Day after: Hundreds of idols to be dumped into the Yamuna.
#SwachBharat #humordiary