gonsalves_r Don’t *require* your talk to need the Internet, specific applications, specific laptops. Use screen casts where you can.
@vikramadhiman As per NDTV Gadget it was supposed to launch today.
NigelBritto Just wondering, if everyone is innocent until proven guilty, why is a rape accused not accorded the same privacy privileges as a victim?
@rajathkedi I thought that the fuel caps were marked.
@turmericdesign Left hand, or mirror image?
bhavyakhanna @souvikdg Fighting first election, so don’t have the experience or voteshare to be recognised en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_r…
Discovered while looking at nomination papers —@AamAadmiPartyy is a “registered unrecognised political party”. What does that mean?
.@vikramadhiman The constitution should start recognising parties and treat them differently from independent candidates for a fair system.
“@Suppandi: “Depresso: When you’ve run out of coffee.” :(”
Despresso: When you’ve a great need / desire for coffee.
/cc: @beanbuffs
Haven’t met any of the 19 candidates contesting from my constituency: bit.ly/1cNCAT0
Do independent candidates even stand a chance?
keeperofthekeys nidhis.tumblr.com/post/681604746… Where I attempt to make a list of relevant and useful links for the upcoming elections. (Suggestions to add welcome!)
@hallidude Movember’s coming to an end. What have you grown?
@_karan But —> twitter.com/_karan/status/…
@_karan I was going to ask if you’re doing it manually or have written an automated script.
@GnrlMxms Brief usage given in quotesandaccents.com and slightly more detail in alistapart.com/article/emen/. En appears to be a better fit.
@_karan @rungta Ye lo, twitter.com/Brilliant_Ads/…
@bhavyakhanna Of course. I’ll be in the same section as you are.
@bhavyakhanna Godspeed.
@bhavyakhanna “I don’t recommend that first-time half marathoners try for a time goal. Run the first one to finish…jeffgalloway.com/training/half-…pO
beanbuffs #COD a.k.a Coffee Satsang on Demand lets you have your own personal workshop during weekends. —> facebook.com/photo.php?fbid…
@Abhishek_Rai No hard fillings! :D
@Abhishek_Rai More importantly the tweet that I retweeted —> twitter.com/claypole/statu…
claypole The motherfuckingwebsite.com is all good fun and makes a good point but I’d like to see anyone explain it to the motherfuckingpunters
Disturbing. “@nixxin: OH @ delhi airport “sir Aap toh bahut dynamic ho. Apni ticket khud book karte ho. Mein toh net se bahut darta houn.”“
miranj New on the blog: Let Your Designers Design — part rant and part discourse on why clients attempt to govern design.miranj.in/blog/2013/let-…b
@kaustavdm Switching jobs?

Yesterday night’s indulgence — पंछी के पान वाले पेठे। शुक्रिया@_karannpic.twitter.com/b0azEeqEfDD
Before conviction? “In cases of sexual assault it’s a well established principle that media can name the perpetrator”
@jackerhack Ouch!
@Abhishek_Rai Learning never stops. ;)
@Abhishek_Rai Can’t say that I’m sick — still discovering and picking up things. But I do want to repeat today’s experience. I’m in.
Boy what coffee! “@Abhishek_Rai: Brewed Kenyan single origin. Now that is what I call single origin, unlike … pic.twitter.com/9vDw3yr78W”
@ap00rv The authorities do follow that (they’re accountable), but unfortunately media (and people at large) don’t. Look at the #Tejpal case.
Just how the identity of a victim should be protected, shouldn’t the identity of an accused also be protected – at least until convicted?
@_karan Yes, ever since Toyota discontinued the very, very popular Qualis.
@bharatmohan Yes sir. Please tell when and where.
Coffee in India (via @beanbuffs) pocket.co/sk4Yq
vikramadhiman Anyone who knows ‘personally’ a good studio/ 2 BHK in Vasant Kunj and surroundings? Need it in 2-3 weeks time. Please RT.
_karan इस ऐड ने आँखों में पानी भर ही दिए। दाद देनी पड़ेगी गूगल तेरी! youtu.be/gHGDN9-oFJE
@BlueTokaiCoffee I’ve sent a DM.
@BlueTokaiCoffee I can DM contact details if you follow me.
@BlueTokaiCoffee We aren’t into ecom, but our accountants (Vinod Kumar Associates) have shown least resistance against QuickbooksOnline.
@beanbuffs I’m sure some credit goes to the filter tumbler as well. It has a lot fewer holes as compared to the one I’ve been using.
@beanbuffs Could be psychological, but this latest blend that was given out at #coffeesatsang has produced by far the best filter coffee.
@beanbuffs @GrprtBedi @Abhishek_Rai Yes! Yes! :)
Stumbled upon friendsofdelhi.com. Everything about it reeks of Congress (Delhi Govt.), but no candid declaration. Sly! @FriendsOfDelhi
@vikramadhiman Will ask around, which areas in Delhi?
@vikramadhiman Moving to Delhi? @konarkmodi
@vikramadhiman So are you in town? How long? @konarkmodi
@_karan @rasagy Pot Belly, Shahput Jat (Bihari) or Carnatic Café, New Friends Colony (Carnatic). I suggest the latter. @rungta
@simplyarun That’s a compliment: twitter.com/souvikdg/statu… and that’s just thinking out aloud: twitter.com/souvikdg/statu… @GrprtBedi
@_karan @rasagy both of you have a short number of days together in Delhi. Rasagy’s here till Thu and Karan’s heading to Agra on Wed.
@sevenaces Ok, learned few more details. There are two kinds of Chip cards. “Chip & PIN” and “Chip & Signature”. cardhub.com/edu/chip-and-p…
bellycentric The joy on a person’s face after that first bite, that’s what we do this for.
Share the food, share the love.
@metarefresh Proposals are open, but when are the details (tracks, theme, expectations, etc) coming out?
@satyaakam Schools all over Delhi have multi-day computer symposiums each year. My school’s is one of the oldest: exunclan.com/about/history
@gonsalves_r Not making any conclusions, just thinking out aloud. We’ve seen lots of events with broad appeal not attended by enough women.
No women organiser. No explicit code of conduct. But both speakers were women based locally and the event started (& ended) early. #ddDelhi
Of all the sizeable meetups I’ve attended, yesterday’s @designdayco Delhi had the best gender ratio. Wonder what did the trick. #ddDelhi
@beanbuffs Table top roaster, grinder and brewer. kickstarter.com/projects/jimgu…
BlueTokaiCoffee Don’t forget to visit us tomorrow from 10-4 at the AWA mela in Chanakyapuri! We’ll be brewing pourovers and Aeropresses…
beanbuffs Attending 8th “Coffee Satsang” will save you from the shitty coffees of Charbucks & CCDistas forever unless… facebook.com/events/2367262…
@SirLoondry Any day, any time.
designdayco Due to overwhelming response we had to shift #DDDelhi venue. Make sure you come to the new venue on Sat. Details at designday.co
@jackerhack Well the organisers will be happy to outsource the hard problem. No?
@jackerhack I really think this is a business opportunity.
@ap00rv Jaa be tequila pee.

priyanka87 the coffee pros at work @souvikdg @abhishek198 while we drink @rungta pic.twitter.com/QAyxHjjPEe
imdshadab guys.. Need A+ blood at fortis vasant kunj urgently. If you would like to donate then please contact +919818862130 #delhi #india
@rasagy Looks like 2007 was a batch of superstars. :)
@rasagy I’m asking you, never found that out. Just saw common friends on fb.
@konarkmodi I know about this event, but thanks for sharing! :)
@rasagy Is she from school? Your batch?
@ray1claw I’m so hurt that you never knew about this before. I’ve been tweeting about #coffeesatsang every month. Anyways, let’s do it! :)
I’m so looking forward to this Saturday. The 1st #ddDelhi designday.co/delhi.html followed by the 8th #coffeesatsang facebook.com/events/2367262….
@KishoreBhargava Haven’t seen you in a while. Hope you’ll be there this time. We need old timer to lobby for a change. :) @beanbuffs
@beanbuffs Thank god! Announce please! @KishoreBhargava
.@ap00rv Forget interstate. Even bus operators operating under the Transport Department of Delhi don’t give you seamless experience. #DTC
Kudos to RMGL and DMRC for sharing a common ticketing system for Gurgaon & Delhi Metro.
Wonder when will #DTC think of modernising itself.
@sevenaces I am not sure if in the first place it’s a good idea to mandate entering PINs while swiping your card. Convenience trumps risk.
Instead of walking across the café to enter his card PIN, a guy casually announced it aloud to the cashier (from his table). Security #fail.
Loved the @prathambooks initiative and their story but sad to find their website copyrighted and only in English language. #ccindialaunch
“A QR code on a board linking to a wikipedia page makes information more interactive, usable, friendlier.”
Doubt that. #ccindialaunch
@gkjohn @geohacker If only this happened at a forum where people had not assembled in support of openness.
nixxin Someone in audience is talks abt population control&giving back to nature. @ShashiTharoor responds: “development is the best contraceptive”
nixxin Oh dear. @ShashiTharoor says this Govt hasn’t given up on the aakash tablet. Haven’t they wasted enough time and money already? #fail
Surrounded by people talking about laws and policies at the @Commonsindia launch event, or the relaunch event (as the stage backdrop says).
@ponnappa What made you use multiple languages in the name of the product?
@jackerhack I’ll be surprised if they don’t provide such a basic service for businesses in India. Try contacting their sales number, maybe.
@zainabbawa Aur aapne kabhi mere haath ki coffee to pee nahi. Thoda time leke come to your favourite town up north. I’ll make you coffee.
@zainabbawa Kahan ka phamous? They got my phone number and managed to speak to me directly. Clear sign of an aam aadmi.
@jackerhack Ah! The first time they called they knew my name, company and that I’m a designer. Either a prank by a friend or a serious leak.
@jackerhack How did these Adobe guys get our numbers? They’ve been bothering a lot.
Folks in my building had a sound sleep in spite of the richter 3 earthquakes. Guess they’re pretty used to such *minor* tremors. #fatmansays
monteiro A good designer finds an elegant way to put everything you need on a page. A great designer convinces you half that shit is unnecessary.
@netbramha Better way is to use delegated events. Attach handler to the container element, say <form>. See: api.jquery.com/on/
@netbramha Quickly looked at the code. You need to detach the `$(“input.error”).on(“focus”,…` event while you’re removing the class.
@netbramha Didn’t check the code. Aside, please simplify the form + make it mobile friendly (remove fixed elements). It is a pain to fill.
@raodyboy Chicken aside, go for their Keema Kaleji. :)
@netbramha Bug in the Design Day form javascript. Post trying a submit, all error fields clear whenever brought in focus.
ShehlaRashid Creative Commons Launch at India Islamic Cultural centre, #Delhi tomorrow 4 p.m. Dr. @ShashiTharoor is the Chief Guest | cc: @WeAreNewDelhi
@harisibrahimkv All the best! @Eventifier
surdattack The funnel for #metarefresh 2014 is now open. Web developers & designers, it’s the time to propose. funnel.hasgeek.com/metarefresh201…
Abhishek_Rai अालम अालम अालम - कंदिसा। ( क्या असीम दा कहाँ चले गये?)
@Abhishek_Rai Super click — if only it were sharper. Favourite DP till now.
@rasagy Guess we’ll meet at the event. Who all are taking the lead in Delhi?
rasagy Dilli waalon! Design Day is coming to Delhi this Saturday (16th Nov), talks & jam on #Typography! bit.ly/1fsZT6W #ddDelhi
@Abhishek_Rai Looks like I am giving a talk in an empty room. :p
@Abhishek_Rai \m/
@Abhishek_Rai Somewhere in the UI / UX track. Between 11:20 and lunch time.
Drupal enthusiasts, developers, designers unite at @DrupalCampDelhi tomorrow.
I’ll present a short talk on some good web design practices.
+1 “@gonsalves_r: Keynote 09 is one of those programs that I just *love* unreservedly.”
@vishalarora28 If you buy from Apple you get full warranty. So I don’t think it should be much of a problem.
imdshadab Urgently require donor with O+ve blood group. Patient at Apollo hospital Jasola. People O+ve in nearby area Kindly revert #delhi #india
ajantriks invitation: urban samvaad - an interactive exhibition | 8-10 nov, SPA, #Delhi facebook.com/urbansamwaad terraurban.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/s.jpg
gonsalves_r Possibly the best place in India for a designer to work. RT @hasjob: @Cleartrip’s looking for a hands-on designer hsgk.in/1fgJ2nR
@vikramadhiman Do catchup!
@vikramadhiman Here, take my wishes… Happy Birthday! :)
zphds The mission to mars is around 15/- per kilometer. Now the Autos in Chennai…
@rasagy सबर करो, इंतज़ार का फल मीठा होता है।
@Uber_Delhi Godspeed.
As per the map on @Uber_Delhi’s website they don’t even cover a third of Delhi. uber.com/cities/new-del…
Reaffirms how BIG this city is.
@ponnappa Best wishes! :)
OMG! *shudder* “@jackerhack: @lifeeth And Apple Maps for navigation. You didn’t notice Apple Maps? Poor drivers.” #uber
All day haze in Delhi. Bring me kebabs.
@rasagy haha, awesome!
@DilliBelle Behind the scenes it’s Microsoft cause not enough people are taking Windows seriously.
@harisibrahimkv It was definitely outside an eatery, didn’t care to find out if that was its name.

Remember Overexposed — my talk at@metarefreshh last February?
Found a stool that says “Sit On Me”.#badlydesigneddpic.twitter.com/wbhqDLVkJQQ

Delhi Polite. pic.twitter.com/xDgKGVK59M
xAbhishek .@_karan corrected me once when I was in high school (2005). I now feel weird every time somebody says “OS eX” instead “OS 10”.
@abhijeetmk EMIs might work out cheaper than the offer. @abhishek198
@abhijeetmk So @abhishek198 and I were discussing this in office. Under usual circumstances we’ll never consume as many calls / as much 3G.
@abhijeetmk Speculation ain’t a good justification IMHO.
@abhijeetmk Wait a sec boss. That’s your spam folder, so how can you be sure that the sender is Groupon?
gkhamba This week on AIB365, we take an honest look at Diwali: Our new diwali sketch: youtube.com/watch?v=rKDW1o… #HonestDiwali
@gonsalves_r I thought you were fond of expensive office chairs. ;)
@bhavyakhanna Govt projects are a hard nut to crack. We’ve attempted once without success. @rungta @miranj
@gonsalves_r Have you completely given up sitting and working?
divya Omgggg the reduce motion option in iOS 7 now turns off those terrible zooming when clicking an app!!! Thanks apple folks!!
rakeshrach I’ll never get sick of using this ‘Elevators vs. Escalators’ analogy to argue for progressive enhancement: christianheilmann.com/2012/02/16/stu…
purpleturtle23 It takes a special kind of asshole to think its okay to burst loud crackers at midnight.