Souvik Das Gupta (@souvikdg)

New Delhi, India

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @souvikdg ever

July 3rd, 2011

@bhavyakhanna People spend time detailing software specs before polishing the business plan/model (including analysing the feasibility).

via Twitter for Mac in reply to bhavyakhanna

@bhavyakhanna Nothing wrong in making something that everyone has. It may still be a viable business. My point was slightly different.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to bhavyakhanna

Today was hectic. And I foresee a busy week ahead.

via Twitter for Mac

Most of my friends who are planning a startup are drafting software specifications before business specifications. I think that’s a mistake.

via Twitter for Mac

lokallobaat Anyone know of a bar showing the Wimbledon match tonight serving moderately-priced alcohol in Delhi?

via Echofon (retweeted on 9:50 PM, Jul 3rd, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

acorn Dear awakened Indian. It’s not only the Jan Lok Pal bill you need to be concerned about. You need to be concerned about EVERY bill

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 3:07 AM, Jul 3rd, 2011 via web)

@aroradush Nice change of avatar!! :)

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aroradush aaaaarggghhh how does one quote tweet while using ?? :(

via web (retweeted on 12:05 AM, Jul 3rd, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)