@aroradush Not necessarily. Can be easy at times, or most of the times way worse. Just imitate others and you’ll be fine.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. — to be kept in mind while boarding a #dtc bus, in fact any public transport in Delhi.
@xAbhishek I’ll keep praises aside (plenty there, btw), in favour of something that I think is more important.
rasagy Tell me about it! >.< RT @kanhika Which City has the Worst Commute? Bangalore 6th, Delhi 7th. http://t.co/G68Xrgl #trafficwoes
@rasagy I guess we both are defining fallbacks differently, but implying the same thing.
@rasagy For me the best shot comes, when I do things out of choice, rather than doing things out of no choice.
@rasagy Possible. But don’t u think that best shot is the 1 where u are calm, composed, think things through rather than act out of despair.
@rasagy Logically yes. But unfortunately, I think such if..then..else does not work in human psychology.
@rasagy My mistake. I’ll reword it. Not hatred, but your love for this option over the fallback.
@rasagy I think your best shot will be dictated by your hatred for the fallback options.
@rasagy I think, the worry of not having a fallback would prevent you from giving your best shot. You’ll need nerves of steel to do that.
@tusharwal Yes he cleaned it & the driver kept him in the bus and drove inside the depot. Guess he has had to do more cleaning. No gun.
@rasagy Disagree. I agree to “You can only gain, when you have nothing to lose.” But, I think you can not move unless you have a fallback.
A teenager pukes in a #dtc 1 stop before the depot. Driver halts the bus & makes him clean the mess using glassfuls of water from a trolley.
@tusharwal Nah dude. Unfair part was I having d discretion to decide d winner for d games. I pre-warned using that line. @pandorazjukebox
@pandorazjukebox Grr. The team building activity in the conference room, which was in place of project party due to low budget. @tusharwal
@pandorazjukebox Nah, the first tweet in the convo: http://t.co/2195WQA @tusharwal
@pandorazjukebox Too bad. How was Onam? And lemme, test your memory. Remember where I used that expression? @tusharwal
@_karan Haha. :D
@_karan I’d be super-kicked to have that. But, then, they are not my devotees. They are devotees of Lord Ganesha, who mistake me for him. :(
@_karan Maybe not a random person, but a _swarm of devotees_ is more than capable, I’d say. But then you got the pun. :)
@_karan Thanks for encouraging me to walk out in open & not fear someone picking me up & dropping me into the yamuna. :) :p #ganeshchaturthi
@_karan “elephant head”
@_karan Well, anything else other than the no of arms and the elephant head that catches your attention? http://t.co/ck3hzoA
@tusharwal :)
Any physical similarities between Lord Ganesha and me is purely coincidental. Kindly do not mistake me for an idol gone astray. #fatmansays
Also, ended the day with Rolls and Biryani from Kolkata. I so look forward to this every time someone flies down from there.
Watched a movie from the balcony seating area. When was the last time I did that at a public movie theatre? scratch… scratch…
@xAbhishek Wow, does it? o.0 @rashmiswamy
@aroradush Imagine if I had done the same thing, would the lawyer (& foodie) in you let me get away that easy?
@aroradush Trying to say that you accidentally checked into a really expensive restaurant at an unexpected place serving very ordinary food?