@kingsidharth Also, seems you have not read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I love the way urgency vs importance is detailed there.
@vikramadhiman Yes.
@kingsidharth Disagree, *importance* is independent of *interest* e.g. Exercising is uninteresting to me, does that mean it is unimportant.
@kingsidharth Or things that can be done only after completion of other things.
@kingsidharth Your definition of urgency is myopic. Do you never procrastinate tasks that need to be done but you have time to do it?
@vikramadhiman Interestingly if ‘People’ does not automatically imply ‘Right People’ to someone, he’s not the right guy in the first place.
@kingsidharth Looks like you are mistaking urgency for importance.
Thand + Garam Coffee + Good Day.
aroradush Dear People going to buy a property, please always see a lawyer at the time you buying a property, so that you don’t have to see one after.
jackerhack Where in Pune can I buy a video tripod from? Where are the photography stores?
@oddysee Ouch! That’s “Humor Diary”, documenting all the funny things that happen around me: http://t.co/RpLMRbzY
Today’s weather is easily the worst of this winter season that I have experienced so far.
From an email, today morning:
“In this workshop, you will…
- Learn to think ‘out of the box’ in a methodical way…”
#Oxymoron #humordiary