90% of everything I overhear at coffee shops relates to startups/early business or business motivation.
iMBA Day 1 pictures for @metarefresh up on flickr.com/photos/hasgeek… Day 2 coming up soon. @hasgeek @threepointone @jackerhack @harisibrahimkv
@jackerhack I learned recently that the state acts to solve their problems, and (sadly) not people’s. @zainabbawa @balupton @jitendravyas
@zainabbawa Happy Budday! Party hard!
@jackerhack @jonathandmello Yeah, it’s hard to put such things in words. Hope we haven’t made it worse for @saneef. :)
@jonathandmello Sounds good but feels incomplete, esp. if you wish to cater to the perspectives of both producer and consumer. @jackerhack
jackerhack I say, BSNL, you got me there. #overexposed #metarefresh pic.twitter.com/sgtaWc42AD