@xrivatsan I’d taught her that, and she made it her default way of bookmarking webpages.
How mom clicked photos using her iPad till today:
1. Open Camera app
2. Get the object in view
3. Grab a screenshot
#humordiary #facepalm
@banerjeerupak बहुत बहुत बधाई डाक्टर साहब!
@ap00rv Brittle yes. Not more heat, just longer duration of exposure to heat.
@vikramadhiman Where in Chandigarh is this?
The darker the coffee roast the easier it is to hand grind. Had a tough time grinding a light roast over the past couple of weeks.
@DilliBelle Budday greetings! Have a kick-ass tax-filing day! :p
@xAbhishek Happy Birthday Sir! :)