Pista House Hyderabad just gave a phone call asking if I’d like to order Haleem! Wow.
Weather in Delhi + Friday. No one wants to work today.
@ap00rv @insiderdotin The other day @sukhdugal also threw a jab at them. twitter.com/sukhdugal/stat…
therealeatwood GOD: How many more animals left to make?
GOD: And how many more legs do we have?
ANGEL: 100
SNAKE: asshole
rasagy Long term issue with the app-only approach by startups like @myntra: All emails are a dead-end on laptops. #UXFail pic.twitter.com/LgR0BjtIys
@DilliBelle Already done. Pre-sales are super cheap. Been getting them all these years.
The world inches towards password-less. @insiderdotin eggs your to write down your password. Sigh! pic.twitter.com/2bFKHTopdj
@jimanish @aadisht With regard to DTC, Govt. first needs to recognise that it isn’t meeting a min quality of service (given that it’s 2015).
@jimanish @aadisht This is not new. We have Govt-Private services co-exist in many domains. Be it health, retail, banking, etc.
@jimanish Ya ya, responded to that. Private mass transit providers don’t need to compete on cost, IMO. @aadisht
@aadisht Super Bazaars or Ration Stores haven’t prevented private players. Private players just need to work out their USPs. @jimanish
@bhavyakhanna We’re talking about what DTC / Delhi Govt can do within their own. @aadisht @jimanish
@bhavyakhanna Oho, don’t bring the land price factor. If the land price is high, the service doesn’t have to pile losses. @aadisht @jimanish
@aadisht I think the subsidy already appears on Govt’s balance sheet. Problem is DTC is unable to make-do with that. @jimanish
@aadisht For point 1, maybe, whichever way works. For point 2, why subsidise passengers over subsidising service? @jimanish
@bhavyakhanna Heh. The only reason I can think is that too many people have started referring to the ORR as RR in casual conversation.
@bhavyakhanna Since when did “Inner” Ring Road become a thing? I have heard it a few times now. It has always been just Ring Road.
@aadisht I know. Part of the problem is that the fares are low. There are may other issues with DTC that result in those losses. @jimanish
QwertyJones3 [Starbucks]
“Yes, I’d like a venti skinny soy half-sweet one-pump caramel macchiato half-caff extra whip, please.”
Barista: Is Pepsi ok?
stockejock Waiter: Would you like regular or decaf?
Me: Do you want me to tip you with real money or Monopoly money?
surdattack Looking to hire designers on a 3 month contract. *Can execute end-to-end (Thinking + Pixels + Code) *Can hop on immediately. Please RT