@aadish4 Yes. Valid in @runscmm and @runadhm. @bharatmohan
@aadish4 Beyond the trail the road part is okay. Weather (humidity) might be challenging. R&L is very well
organised. @bharatmohan
@aadish4 There will be 7km of trail which I really like. From the highest point you get great view of Gurgaon skyline. @bharatmohan
@bharatmohan Kya pee rakhi hai? @aadish4
@aadish4 Yes. I’m participating in a race every weekend this month. @bharatmohan
@nigelbabu Psst, I might head to the store sometime this week. The product has arrived here. @mehulved
write2kill Waiting for ISPs to protest porn ban. Bandwidth usage is going to plummet 90%.
@ckarany Next month.
Raj_S I want to meet the guy who compiled the list of 857 sites. And shake his hand. Actually, strike that.
@blackbazacoffee Yes. Tell me how. @s_shashank_s @annamusify @amitangshu @Jobless_Guy