NDelhiMarathon Come and cheer for your friends and everyone running #NDM16 on the 28th Feb!
Cheer one, Cheer all, Cheer on! :) pic.twitter.com/s7C1rILN2r
@abhishekaggy @BoldKiln @nigelbabu Ah, 2:30-40 is what I’m thinking. So maybe we might meet at the medal / refreshment counter. :)
@nigelbabu If I can meet @abhishekaggy at the venue, that would be great. But I will run very slow. Totally out of touch.
@nigelbabu @abhishekaggy I’m just being practical. I’ll want to take a shower too. Let’s do a celebratory meet some other day with everyone.
@abhishekaggy It’s @nigelbabu’s first FM and he might not be up for an immediate outing. Plus there will be large gap in finish time.
@nigelbabu I suggest not keeping any plan for the afternoon. Plan a celebratory binge eating party in the evening or later. @abhishekaggy
@nigelbabu “When”, not “If”.