@harisibrahimkv Not attending, but office (@_basestation) is less than 2kms away. Can also meet over the weekend.
atti_cus Are you/is anyone you know suffering from Chikengunya? What are the symptoms+what is the treatment they are taking? Please RT.
lrnrd People have been asking “Should my tech event / community have a Code of Conduct?” So I made this handy flowchart: pic.twitter.com/9jrIvP5sAN
@abhishekaggy Weekend?
@Abhishek_Rai Too last minute. Too far. @dyoungbigmouth @grihaatul @abhishekaggy @TheQuint @LBBDelhi @reshii @TheBigGeek
@harisibrahimkv What are the chances I am seeing you?
nilenso Did you know that nilenso now has a design page? design.nilenso.com
@abhishekaggy Assi.
@sukhdugal Congrats!
aparatbar Great line up of artists & guests will curate @speechbillin to talk on bad laws, creative expression & how we can fix it. Follow #SpeechBill