guneetnarula If the prime minister of a country has to say *this* to push #digitalmoney, then u can well imagine how far apart…sE
@hellonehha Sure thing. What’s the approximate date of the conference?
@hellonehha Super. Looking forward. :)
Happy to contribute in any way I can.
@hellonehha This is great! Are you guys getting the conference to India?
This guy has written some of the most sensible pieces on subjects that need to be talked about. Follow the thread—…l
abhishekaggy Please PDF documents if sending unless it’s
a) Excel
b) something recipient needs to edit / work on
@sshreyas Haha, touché.
@sshreyas Hardly counts as cold in Delhi-ite’s books.
@sshreyas I thought smog needed cold weather.
@surdattack Wow, it’s hard to recognise you.