miranj What were your first responsive and last non-responsive websites? Would be fun to see. (cc @RWD)
miranj The forward facing experience is what most people think of as their “website”. It’s the layer that goes out of fashion merely in 18 months.
miranj “Your website has got three core layers: content storage, content management interface, and forward-facing user experience.”
miranj If you’re getting a new site made, or getting one revamped, go read “How Long Should Your Website Last” by @m_swartz medium.com/stories-from-u…
@mehulved @BlueTokaiCoffee @aatifsumar Look out for these when you go for tasting.
@mehulved @BlueTokaiCoffee @aatifsumar Metal filters come in different pore sizes. One big difference is paper can..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…q0
@BlueTokaiCoffee @mehulved @aatifsumar Mehul, just one try is not going to give a definitive perspective, IMO. You..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Nw

povmumbai Love in the time of #Aadhaar pic.twitter.com/27EBkFaTEr