_karan इस ऐड ने आँखों में पानी भर ही दिए। दाद देनी पड़ेगी गूगल तेरी! youtu.be/gHGDN9-oFJE
@BlueTokaiCoffee I’ve sent a DM.
@BlueTokaiCoffee I can DM contact details if you follow me.
@BlueTokaiCoffee We aren’t into ecom, but our accountants (Vinod Kumar Associates) have shown least resistance against QuickbooksOnline.
@beanbuffs I’m sure some credit goes to the filter tumbler as well. It has a lot fewer holes as compared to the one I’ve been using.
@beanbuffs Could be psychological, but this latest blend that was given out at #coffeesatsang has produced by far the best filter coffee.
@beanbuffs @GrprtBedi @Abhishek_Rai Yes! Yes! :)
Stumbled upon friendsofdelhi.com. Everything about it reeks of Congress (Delhi Govt.), but no candid declaration. Sly! @FriendsOfDelhi