@simplyarun That’s a compliment: twitter.com/souvikdg/statu… and that’s just thinking out aloud: twitter.com/souvikdg/statu… @GrprtBedi
@_karan @rasagy both of you have a short number of days together in Delhi. Rasagy’s here till Thu and Karan’s heading to Agra on Wed.
@sevenaces Ok, learned few more details. There are two kinds of Chip cards. “Chip & PIN” and “Chip & Signature”. cardhub.com/edu/chip-and-p…
bellycentric The joy on a person’s face after that first bite, that’s what we do this for.
Share the food, share the love.
@metarefresh Proposals are open, but when are the details (tracks, theme, expectations, etc) coming out?
@satyaakam Schools all over Delhi have multi-day computer symposiums each year. My school’s is one of the oldest: exunclan.com/about/history