@mathangi_raghu @hallidude Should not work the same way if it’s bought online. The WL tickets are automatically refunded, right?
@keeperofthekeys Ah. Get well soon!
@keeperofthekeys What injury are you healing from? Running?
danieljohngrant In a major about-turn, @okcupid is now blocking users with JavaScript disabled.
*Casually moves debate back to PE* pic.twitter.com/J7GEVq7QC5
@turmericdesign Their star act (read: Jamun Kulfi) is missing from the menu. :o @swapanseth
@sevenaces Right. And now suddenly I feel that this credit card business is so risky.
TIL that providing CVV/CVC only reduces the transaction fee for a (international) merchant, and is not required for charging a credit card.
Brilliant_Ads A musician replies to an Ad from a restaurant looking for a band to play for free ‘to promote their work’. Brilliant! pic.twitter.com/zpLncEKJqg
@simplyarun Hope you’re fine. Notify PCR and describe the vehicle. That’s the best you could do.