@bhavyakhanna Oh, more experiments this time. Bought a hydration belt & wore it for the first time. Terribly uncomfortable in the beginning.
@bhavyakhanna It had to be a day before. Ramnagar isn’t a place where I could’ve done my usual pasta diet. Resorted to Aloo Jeera + Roti. :)
@bhavyakhanna Completed. Not my best time. I blame the lack of carb loading opportunities & ~6km stone + pebble trail. Forest road was nice.
DilliBelle @souvikdg True. Also the more you travel you realize that people are mostly nice and helpful and there’s no reason to be paranoid.
The more I travel, the more confident I get about landing in a new place and finding my way through (stay, local transport, etc.).
.@geohacker Smart choice. The other one’s pretty much unachievable as long as I’m around. #fatmansays @rasagy