@xAbhishek Inshallah! And thank you!
abhijeetmk Work with filter coffee @_basestation, courtesy @souvikdg pic.twitter.com/ep8iC9pEUT
@DilliBelle Is the offer still valid? I continue to care. @bhavyakhanna @lokallobaat
jitendravyas A homepage is NOT a landing page
kitAnurag *ah only 350/- for a medium pizza wohoo*
Pizza: 350
Service tax: 14%
Road tax: 25%
Eating tax: 32%
Sir your total amount is 1700
@_karan धन्यवाद!
@rashmiswamy Thanks! Life has already been pretty musical, in the sense that I’ve faced a lot of music. :)
This is epic. Comparable to middle eastern countries turning liberal. pic.twitter.com/JTXX2NDb5T