WTF! “@shubhragupta: Died when I saw this in tube form,but happy to report it isn’t too bad at all”
In Maths
21 + 21 = 42
In running
21 + 21 = 32 + N
where N → ∞
/via:… #satyavachan
readyState All our mobile app navigation woes are over. Ladies and gentlemen, the backburger icon:
Taco Bell has hit town baby!…
@bhavyakhanna Either paneer or @lokallobaat can have the 2 pudina leaves shown in the photo.
@bhavyakhanna They’re also selling frozen haleem this year. *cringe*
bhavyakhanna Ah its that wonderful time of the year when Pista House delivers haleem to your door. @souvikdg when are we ordering?
@bhavyakhanna Yes sure. I guess I’ll be ordering twice during the season anyways — like every year. Party alag se.
@DilliBelle Strictly private, only for the love of Haleem! My memories from two years back isn’t that great. @bhavyakhanna
@PinguicVerse Oh of course.… @bhavyakhanna
@bhavyakhanna Wow, they are doing a pre-order no! And that’s quite a steep increase in the price.
Let’s do it next week?
stephenjmolloy [Job interview]
“What are your strengths?”
Me: I fall in love easily.
“Erm, okay… what are your weaknesses?”
Me: Those blue eyes of yours.
@PinguicVerse You only need to do that if you’re mentioning someone but want it to appear on the timeline of everyone who follows you.
Brilliant_Ads Anti-smoking campaign uses 13000 actual cigarettes to create Hitler & Bin Laden with the text “cigarettes kill more”
@PinguicVerse You know that old saying “Aadmi ke dil ka raasta uske pet mein se hoke jaata hai”. That.
Need love. #fatmansays “@PinguicVerse: “how has love changed your life?” “Well I surely have more cooked food in my fridge.”“