@salilb @keeperofthekeys depending on the packaging it might have lost the flavour. Make a cup to check.
@amitangshu I can celebrate Turkish coffee any day. Do you want to come over to @_basestation tomorrow?
@annamusify @amitangshu @beanbuffs @Grashima Heh. No idea. Have never been excited by International <your-favourite-commodity> Days.
@shivkanungo Yeah cool cool. Was just saying that your rant came out wrong. But I like the Pot Belly idea.
@shivkanungo Replace the word “terrorist” with “tourist” and you’ll know what I mean.
@shivkanungo …kills for Pakistan. It simply means that his nationality is Pakistan. It doesn’t even imply every Pakistani is a terrorist.
@shivkanungo I saw the previous tweet. I disagree with your interpretation of Pakistani terrorist. Pakistani terrorist doesn’t mean he…
@shivkanungo Are you saying they should be called a “Muslim” or “Hindu” or “<fill any religion>” terrorist instead?
@shivkanungo I am sorry, but that made no sense.