@DilliBelle By donating to (or raising money for) a cause and feeling good about it.
@karthikb351 @nigelbabu Well, in a way @icfn_in is a NGO that does that work.
@nigelbabu Haha.
@nigelbabu What if people start their own fund raisers instead of donating to yours?
@pulakbhatnagar @turmericdesign Nope. Hindu Kush region.
Days like this is when I remember this xkcd comic: xkcd.com/723/
Also, I hope the damages were limited. (Though quite unlikely)
Quite a tremor that was. People are out on the streets. #delhi pic.twitter.com/CRRtOrhsIP
₹22k to hit 80% of my fundraiser goal for @MSF_Ind. Would’ve hit it if people chipped in ₹500 instead of RT or Fav. j.mp/sdg4msf
@keeperofthekeys Check this guy. shaadigrapher.com