@Wander_Ponder @ni_nad I think this has dragged too long. Let’s allow @mehulved to chill now. He’s too awesome to be bullied on twitter.
@ni_nad Yes, but not always priorities. Sometimes it is also lack of realisation. @mehulved @Wander_Ponder
@Wander_Ponder Nice nice. I didn’t know you were in BLR. Will ping you next time I am there.
@Wander_Ponder It hasn’t changed because I want you all to recognise me, hopefully forever. :)
@Wander_Ponder Life’s going good. Very different from the PU days, and I run these days! :p
How about you?
@Wander_Ponder Imagine if I’d done the same and we’d have just moved on from the short conversation. Just feel it’s unfair. Baaki up to you.
@Wander_Ponder Oh shit! Didn’t realise at all. Why on earth would you not write your name?!
@Wander_Ponder Totally agree. There’s a difference between inspiring someone to lose weight versus taking a patronising position. @mehulved
@mehulved You were unhappy about these things. Not everyone necessarily cares enough to act on it.
TIL there is an official verified twitter account for the @TajMahal.
@reckoner165 @Bacardidevi I thought they kept moving between the countries. But you could be right too.
@SirLoondry What scares me is that FB might even pull out data to support it. 😂
I don’t know which is worse. The fact that there’s a market for this app. Or that FB thought it might interest me. pic.twitter.com/lx5WINxUTI
miranj Soliciting interesting projects from collaborators old and new.
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tetisheri I smoke ten cigarettes in a public place and throw up on the road after a party. But I appeal you not to burst crackers.
@rashmiswamy You bet I will. I am already making notes about the strongest feelings.