karthikb351 All these folks talking about moving out of Delhi because of the pollution, good on you!
Just don’t come to Bangalore okay. We are full.
@iotakodali Govt is pushing it? How come I fail to notice it in spite of being regular on buses. Any data on usage/adoption?
nixxin So @iotakodali & I are working on tinyurl.com/delhitransport… at @hackbeach
Solutions for Delhi public transport problems. Please give ideas!
@iotakodali How popular is Poocho app? Is it widely used?
@nixxin Also the weather was better. So the pollution cleared faster.
@iotakodali Anyways I’ll rest my case here. I hope to see you at @datameet Open Data Camp. We can discuss this then. @nixxin
@iotakodali The approach to arriving at the solutions. This is unstructured crowdsourcing without understanding the problem space. @nixxin
@iotakodali I know it is an open doc and a WIP. My comment was on the approach. Don’t agree with it, but contributing nevertheless. @nixxin
@nixxin @iotakodali That’s the best feedback I can offer in 140 chars on that doc. Now adding some comments over there.
@nixxin @iotakodali The structure of the document is skipping the “understand the problem” part, and instead focusing on “suggest solution”
@nixxin @iotakodali Exactly what I’m saying. Add details to explain the problems better. I for eg don’t think there’s lack of interchanges.
@nixxin Points like “lack of interchanging options in buses for long distance travel” needs to be backed up better. @iotakodali
@nixxin Solutions without understanding the problem space are naive. I see that with most of the proposals in the current doc. @iotakodali
@nixxin @iotakodali Ah, wish I was there with you guys. Please don’t jump to solutions. List problems and the reasons for those. @hackbeach
@abhijeetmk Have to wake up 4:30am next day. No fun at home. Sorry. :(
@abhijeetmk Happy to offer floor area, but ADHM is next day. So whoever comes has to put up with zero-tolerance code of conduct.
The @NH7 Weekender venue is walking distance from home. Can’t miss @arrahman on Day 1. Also, can’t compromise with @runadhm the next day.
@abhijeetmk You have no idea. :)
NH7 Delhi,here’s your day wise lineup! We’ve got you covered with day tickets as well.Cheggit: nh7.in/weekender2015 pic.twitter.com/xgJu1Fni6C
NH7 And Delhi, here’s where we’ll be in less than three weeks! Directions & exact location here: nh7.in/weekender/delh… pic.twitter.com/dHe4Fcvc7o
Hardly any inspiring shots on my Instagram feed lately. Guess it’s because of the festive season.
@gonsalves_r That was old data. Here: pic.twitter.com/pcL8qdDBEa
@gonsalves_r Am located close to the Airport (beyond in fact). And I’m quite sensitive to suspended particles, pretty confident it is less.
Of course a big credit for the clean air goes to the weather. The sky’s clear and the sun is out.
I must admit, this is the cleanest post-Diwali Delhi air in recent times. And as far as I can recall the trend has been positive.