I think one huge deterrent for using public transport is that most auditoriums / events do not allow bags / laptops inside. Tricky problem.
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@kingslyj I don’t think that’s unique to funded companies. Any business would prefer doing that.
@annamusify @amitangshu No WhatsApp group, but you can create one. I am out of town around the 3rd weekend.
@_noxious01 Most set time targets for distances that one’s confident about. Question is would you pick 5k over 21/42k? @mehulved @nigelbabu
@mehulved @_noxious01 @nigelbabu Not saying it isn’t physically tougher. But I disagree that graduating as a runner means fearing 5k.
@mehulved Some runners get kicks out of speed. Some out of endurance. I’m undoubtedly the later. @_noxious01 @nigelbabu
@amitangshu Waking up to a coffee meet planning is as good as it can get.
@amitangshu Put a date to that. Not a month. @beanbuffs @annamusify
drrajatchauhan I was trying to explain to someone importance of marathon distance. Should have quoted Douglas Adams.