kunalgolani I have a dream. A geek conference cum music fest in the hills. Any takers? #metarefresh #weekender @hasgeek @NH7
apnerve Design in the browser? No. Decide in the browser. #metarefresh
@kaustavdm :)
@simplyarun Thanks! :)
@SirCaastic Good to know that you liked it. Not sure if we’ve interacted at the event. Say hi when you see me tomorrow.
Highlight of the day at #metarefresh was @iA_Chris’s candid replies about the work culture at @iA. Thanks to @swissnexindia and @hasgeek.
At @iA designs are 2 sprints ahead of implementation. —@iA_Chriss#metarefreshh

Dear @hasgeek I want a Flash Talk Conf “@jitendravyas: List of Flash talks we had today at @metarefresh #metarefresh pic.twitter.com/aBc9gaLqmF”
@BaatooniLadki Hope this one didn’t disappoint (and more importantly made sense). Also, *flattered*.
@kaustavdm Ha! :)
@codepo8 Good ideas FTW, I’d say. @metarefresh
@BaatooniLadki Like really, wow! :)
@raghunayyar :)
metarefresh A big thank you to @arpancj, @surdattack and @jitendravyas for curating Meta Refresh workshops on 12th and 13th Feb.
@metarefresh Woah, you tweet faster than my slides switched or what? :p
@artinsane Imp. things should be spoken, doesn’t matter on slide or not. Also, it adds to accessibility i.e. caters to blind. @metarefresh
@jackerhack +1 on that feedback. @metarefresh @hasgeek
sumitasok I just want flash talks here from for the entire two days of the conference…they are so good @metarefresh
BaatooniLadki Isn’t it ironic that @Paytm is sponsoring an event which has had three awesome talks by @FreeCharge guys. #metarefresh
@kunalgolani Great to know that you appreciate that spirit too!