jackerhack Google acquired Nest in vain. Indian Railways is installing software smoke detectors. Software is eating hardware too pic.twitter.com/e1Wyj9Yk4V
@anexasajoop I guess @hallidude, @rasagy, @rashmiswamy and @gonsalves_r would love a coffee #typervention.
*shudders+reaches out for a cheeseburger* #fatmansays “@bhavyakhanna: @souvikdg first she has to find a girl. For that you have to be thin.”
@anexasajoop Wish I had a financier. Weren’t you missing Delhi—come over?
Besides, have you read this lovely piece-tata.in/company/articl…Ee
Damn I want this in Delhi! “@anexasajoop: Bangalore typophiles—who’s up for a#typerventionn about coffee on Sunday, March 16?”
@ap00rv My life is a sitcom. Just that there’s no producer to take it on air.
@harisibrahimkv You weren’t the only one. Besides, thanks for giving me a new reason to eat more.
@bhavyakhanna Nah! But perhaps she’s saving up for my shaadi (by giving me less food).
@anexasajoop Opposite worlds.
Everyday since BLR trip—
“Ma, people say I’ve become thin. GIMME MORE FOOD!”
“NO! You’ve turned fat from VERY fat but not thin.”#fatmansayss
@rdsoze @jackerhack @void_imagineer Thanks for those stretching lessons. Feels relaxing almost instantly.