@SirLoondry Videos aren’t out yet.
@ramniquesingh yup.
@jitendravyas I use dynadot.com
Wow, less than a week since my talk at #metarefresh, @smashingmag voices its opinion on non-JS support. Of course the idea’s being resisted.
smashingmag Strongly disagree with the idea that “No-JS” is saying no to the future of the Web. We should be resilient to failure if JS isn’t available.
Just found out about “Dumb and Dumber To”. Can’t wait!
@iamNavaneeth Main idea was to follow a strict process, and to get the code reviewed by peers and instructor. @metarefresh
@iamNavaneeth There are no finished project files. Participants were free to take any direction with their front end code. @metarefresh
smashingmag Do your websites usually rely on JavaScript by default or are they accessible without JavaScript as well?
“@lukew: @jmspool the value of something is what someone else is willing to pay for it.” … for its utility and not as a gamble (investment).
This business of raise money, acquire users, raise more money, acquire more users… (& hopefully) sell out, is uninspiring, tasteless kitsch.
@bhatiavinita @SmokeHouseDeli @yourchefatlarge @burrp_mumbai Is this only in Mumbai?

leonderijke Best slide of the @fronteers meetup! By @wnas - pic.twitter.com/VQEp0zhQvr
lokallobaat Today was another day that proved ki duniya mein chutiyon ki kami nahin hai.
rameshsrivats Yaar, Zuckerberg, if you are still into acquiring internet services that people spend enormous time on, may I suggest IRCTC.
Pinboard Every man has his price. Another reason we need more women in tech
Pinboard When I sell you out, I promise to do it baldly and in style. I won’t pretend it’s for you! That’s my promise to the Pinboard family
HistoricalPics NASA budget for 2014: $17 billion.
WhatsApp: $19 billion.