@keeperofthekeys That would be because the water dries faster than the meat getting cooked. Waise, I usually always cook with a lid.
@hwk73 A little fancy, maybe. youtube.com/watch?v=WBRXIj…
causticbob I walked down a street where the houses were numbered 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K and 1MB. That was a trip down memory lane.
Radio spot (campaign?): “Share with us what have you quit for your woman?”
Remind me again, why do we have Woman’s Day?
Well frothed cappuccino. @BlueTokaiCoffee + ROK Espresso. #win
(Wish the kitchen was better lit.) pic.twitter.com/1ooSN8ai7V
Just yesterday I planned my travel to Bangalore including a race in my itinerary. Today I find that they’ve changed the race date.
@nigelbabu The Run in the Sun folks changed the event date 14 hours back. It’s now on 19th Apr. Damn damn!
@mehulved Want to do an ultra too. But it’s a commitment that’ll impact the rest of your life. Contemplating if I can manage that.
@mehulved Oh man just go for it! Lists are for procrastinators. Though I’d like to know what else is on that list. :p @nigelbabu
@nigelbabu I hear Bangalore marathon is nice, but an experience I can vouch for is kaveritrailmarathon.com.
@nigelbabu Had done the Nehru Park one last year, so this time I’m going for runinthesun.in (in Bangalore).
@nigelbabu Yay! It’s a little difficult to reach the race start in Faridabad. If you don’t want to ride, I can pick you.
Haven’t run in a couple of weeks. Just re-realised that I only run when a tough race looms over my head.
@nigelbabu There are shorter options too. Don’t judge a webpage by its URL.
@nigelbabu There’s a Nehru Park one on Apr 12, an if you want to really challenge yourself train for this one: runningandliving.com/our-runs/gurga…
@nigelbabu Too late for which? The Faridabad one you can still join. If not 16, 8kms would be a reasonable challenge cause its on a trail.
@nigelbabu Nope. Not motivated to travel that far for a 10k. I’m running this one though: in.explara.com/beta/faridabad….
@keeperofthekeys Terrified because it would take a lot of time? Or what?
The mutton *did* calm her down. #win
iPhone ads are tactful. Only mention the EMI and cash back amounts but not the full price of the product. pic.twitter.com/kZRPavc0V7