@bhavyakhanna oye @nigelbabu will be coming from Gautam Nagar, so yes you can. We’ll most likely car pool.
@amitangshu Absolutely! :)
@nigelbabu Not necessarily by the end merchants. It’s the intermediate gateways that have to fix things.
@nigelbabu Nope. But have done enough runs organised by them to not start worrying about that yet.
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@nigelbabu It’s typically a payment gateway problem. Also, don’t remember the last time I checked my cc statement. Should resume doing it.
@amitangshu Tempting offer, if only I’d woken up earlier. By the time I reach, the sun will be beating on us.
@amitangshu Btw, if DataMeet is happening on Fri, I could carry my alternate coffee maker — Aeropress or Rok Espresso and grinder. What say?
@amitangshu Your idea of making most of this (fantastic) weather is landing up at work? Someone really likes his job. :p
@amitangshu Dada, I just about got up and you are already posting photos from your office.
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