@hallidude Yeah, figured.
@hallidude Not around. Damn.
arpancj Any recommendations for a good wifi printer in India?
@sukhdugal I use the Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill Skerton at home, but I don’t think people will use that at work.
@BlueTokaiCoffee Would you know if the Hario measuring scale is available anywhere in India?
_basestation Coffee geekery level 2.0, courtesy @BlueTokaiCoffee. pic.twitter.com/owRvWvtbIL
New Hario toys at @miranj + @_basestation. Yay! #coffee /via: @BlueTokaiCoffee
/cc: @amitangshu pic.twitter.com/IWEYZu4TUz
@atti_cus Not hinting that. People won’t do that by themselves. There has to be an effort to nurture that culture. Reservation does the opp.
Offering seat to one in need should be a basic courtesy on public transport. Marking seats as reserved fuels exactly the opposite attitude.
A disabled requested for a seat in #DTC. Was asked to request the guy sitting on seat marked for disabled. Precisely why I hate reservation.
ajantriks #ODCBLR15 is focusing on #education data! Open call for participants, volunteers, speakers & sponsors: odc.datameet.org/odcblr2015 @datameet
AksharPathak Flipkart: “Use our app”
Me: “But I love doing my research first with multiple tabs on my la–”
Flipkart: “If you love something, let it go”