@ThinkRasta Anytime!
@ap00rv Wearing all black is key. #fatmansays
Amen. “@sakshamgarg88: @souvikdg still you are not round enough to administer #fatmansays get rounder or die trying.. #ourmotto”
@sakshamgarg88 There was a buffet breakfast post that which I rampaged. Why else would I have committed that sin? #fatmansays
Warming up before a run in my own unique way while others were bending their bodies in different angles. #fatmansays fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash…

Qibla_Mohtram Holi at Wagah border. pic.twitter.com/YxHwWuvTw3

VennInDoubt translations! imgur.com/gallery/aiUYL via @imgur
anexasajoop Thank you for the coffee | Pictures from last weekend’s #typervention at Cubbon Park typerventions-in-bangalore.tumblr.com/post/800533763…
@ichetansureka Hi Chetan, care to not tag me in such tweets in the future?
@sevenaces I have an eye (and a heart) for such tweets. ;)
Also, to the best of my knowledge, I started that hashtag.
Bangalore is expected to touch 38℃ this week. Can’t imagine Bangaloreans coping with this heat.
sevenaces I want a girl whose sentences I can finish. And by sentences, I mean sandwiches. #FatManSays