@xAbhishek I have seen that handle misuse the hashtag before. Heh.
A police car blaring its siren overtakes the #DTC bus I’m on & forces it to halt. 3 people casually get off the car and board the bus. #wtf
@xAbhishek :)
Watched Fire in the Blood in a special screening. I’ve lost count of the number of times my tear glands gave in, right till the end of QA.
@coalitionindia How long does it take for a join request to get accepted?
@gonsalves_r Eager to see how this turns out. :)
@lokallobaat Close your mouth, and spread the word.
@_karan Yes, of course!
We (@miranj) are looking for 2 summer interns. It’s paid, and it’ll be fun.
Who’s up? miranj.in/blog/2014/summ…

These random software updates on TV that make you wait for a good 10 mins is such an Adobe thing. pic.twitter.com/XlCOxaVEAz