@Abhishek_Rai That list features my all time favourite Roberto Carlos.
@abhijeetmk Yeah. Perhaps the best in my lifetime. Was shattered when they lost the world cup to France.

Found a newspaper cut out of the 1998 Brazilian football team in one of my drawers. Still a huge fan of that team. pic.twitter.com/PoSpD1ybOT
@iMBA @jackerhack @sampad That’s a Sanskrit/Hindi thing. Adding ‘a’ makes the noun feminine gender.
@manasmohan WooHoo!

HistoricalPics Two women, who wear shorts in public for the first time, draw male attention and cause a car accident! Toronto, 1937 pic.twitter.com/nt68SAXlAp

IndiaHistorypic 1980 :: Anti Rape Protests in Delhi pic.twitter.com/jiB1lhuI5v