@PinguicVerse Does it rain in Guwahati at the end of August? And any idea about weather in Bhutan around that time?
@tetisheri Or maybe you are too active in water to take note.
@tetisheri That doesn’t sound right. Where did you find out that girls in water don’t get stared at?
TimesofBullshit Fire the guy who thought of this graphic. pic.twitter.com/QD7reaVDwb
LavaniaR Urgently need someone to translate a document into Kannada. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks!
@vishalarora28 Tu aane ka date to bata. I will make sure I have multiple varieties + fresh stock.
Summer’s yet to set in but there’s already a surprising rise in the number of vehicle breakdowns on Delhi roads & consequent traffic snarls.
I want to put a ding on the weighing scale. #fatmansays
High time #DTC makes this an official way of blocking seats in buses. pic.twitter.com/smkizFMUxr
lokallobaat Now that’s a first.
Sleeping in a sleeping bag tonight in my OWN room! instagram.com/p/ne5XoqBscv/
@lokallobaat LOL! What do you mean by “i’ll try”?
@lokallobaat You should also look forward to Dhruv Vishvanath’s opening.
Bad estimate has resulted in a no-coffee-beans-at-home situation (a.k.a. depresso). Need fallback reasons to get out of bed.
xAbhishek Evolution. areover.tumblr.com/post/288015419…