zeldman ★ “Support EVERY browser. Optimize for NONE.”
#progressiveenhancement #webstandards #rwd #webdesign #forwardcompatibility @adactio #aeasd
zeldman A Dao of Web Design “truer now than when it was published 14 years ago.” @adactio #aeasd @johnallsopp @alistapart alistapart.com/article/dao/
@nigelbabu Where where?
@Abhishek_Rai Let’s print a 3D printer using the 3D printer. #epic
@geohacker Maybe. But more specifically when apps (typically on phones) modify their app icon / logo and then push an update with just that.
The most pointless App update is one that reads “Updated App Icon”.
@manasmohan Yup, kept walking endlessly. @rungta