@tetisheri Apparently the first mother to see her son become India’s PM. Plus our country gets very sentimental when you talk about mothers.
Overachiever. Yes, that’s the word. #fatmansays “@sevenaces: @bhavyakhanna You are just jealous of the overachievers! @souvikdg”
atti_cus A question for fellow atheists: have you ever found atheism compounding worry in difficult times?
@atti_cus Atheism doesn’t really compound worry. But I do find myself dealing with other issues as a first generation atheist.
@harisibrahimkv Ouch, no! :(
Two wheeler riders (includes cyclists) who try to squeeze through between a bus and a bus stop should have their tyre punctured.
“अगर कोई मोटा मोटे को मोटा बोले तो वो बुरा नही मानता” #fatmansays /via: @Abhishek_Rai
#fatmansays “@sevenaces: Don’t call me fat. I’m Triglyceridically Challenged!”
cdixon Moore’s Law visualized RT @codinghorror: Wolfenstein game graphics, 1992 vs 2014 pic.twitter.com/bZEcQAVWEw
@kingslyj Good idea. If I don’t make it I can turn it into a DOS attack.
3 browsers for 50 mins and couldn’t even make it to the IRCTC Tatkal booking form. Royally pissed. No one around me should look happy today.