Early start to music season with Rabbi Shergill performing right under my nose. Brought back memories from hostel. pic.twitter.com/4uFQgaZx8q
jackerhack One more day to go for @jsfooindia 2015, and then two days of non-stop JavaScript. You should come. jsfoo.in/2015/
gonsalves_r I find it hilarious that the @Uber_BLR office in HSR Layout has parking.
@jsfooindia There is no breakfast on Day 2. Am I reading this right?
@rungta Fair share of goof ups, but fun. No one made it.
@gonsalves_r Perhaps also freelancers who bill by their time. @nigelbabu @fraudpunju
Second, the @blrmetro ticket counter refused to accept a pre-2005 note saying it was “fake”. Refusal to accept is justified though.
Taking @blrmetro after a while. Two things happened. First, had to make an entry in security register for carrying a pair of scissors.