@DilliBelle Reply all by default. Bulk email sources should use BCC.
madmanweb Where is the “Kiss my ass. I’m going to Amazon” button? twitter.com/anenth/status/…
LOsT_Kyte Is anyone selling (2nd hand) canon 7d mark ii OR similar cameras? I need for making Videos/Film. plz retweet cc @Abhishek_Rai
@vrinda_m Make hay while the VC monies flow. Don’t like it, just send it back.
@xAbhishek Yeah.
@xAbhishek Imperfections are there for sure. But I don’t think it has a substantial effect on the larger point that the article is making.

codinghorror Mobile browser traffic is 2X bigger than app traffic, and growing faster venturebeat.com/2015/09/25/wai… pic.twitter.com/w2N8XCEFu5