Sometime back Sundar Pichai used buses because he was ‘poor’. Today buses are adding to traffic. What bullshit!… #DTC
@nigelbabu Go for @RTRDholavira. Should be a cake walk after your life events. @mehulved
@rungtaakki Put a date to that.
@PinguicVerse If a person sleeps on road and says “my understanding or the road (medium) depends on my purpose (sleeping)”. That.
@PinguicVerse Now I was putting the converse logic. Roads are where cars should be, and (ideally) people not sleeping or jay-walking.
@PinguicVerse I hope you agree with this.…
@PinguicVerse Footpath dwellers != people sleeping on the middle of a road. Please don’t misunderstand.
@PinguicVerse Consider my over-simplified road analogy. A road is meant to facilitate travel, not for letting people sleep.
@PinguicVerse Again makes no sense. None at all. As I see it, it’s a reluctance to accept a common understanding.
@PinguicVerse It’s not about us disagreeing. It’s just misunderstanding the medium — Twitter, Google and the web. That’s all.
@PinguicVerse You can’t choose to sleep on the road and complain if a car runs you over. Just doesn’t add up.
@PinguicVerse And why not rant using other means?
@PinguicVerse LOL! Twitter is the means to reach far and wide. Why do you want to use it with an opposite approach?
@PinguicVerse 2. It’s not that you’re revealing your identity when you lock your account. You are mis-representing your position.
@PinguicVerse 1. I agree. Not everyone has the luxury and no one’s forced either.
@PinguicVerse Public conversations should have the greatest possible reach. That is the where the power lies.
@PinguicVerse I think @twitter should totally remove locked accounts. Be on it or off it.
@PinguicVerse What are you saying? Twitter is not a private communication channel. Your wrath is totally unjustified.
@mehulved Got it. Unlikely I will ever get into a use-and-sell-every-few-months mode.
void_imagineer ‘💩’.length == 2 #unicode (‘💩’ == ‘\uD83D\uDCA9’) #JSFoo
@mehulved Is it easy to re-sell used sports watches? I invested in FR225 thinking of the future. @shrayasr @nigelbabu
@shrayasr @mehulved @nigelbabu …to buy a sports watch. You’ll know what feature you’d want. Wait and save for the right one.
@shrayasr @mehulved @nigelbabu My 2 cents: use a phone for as long as you can until you’re totally pissed off by it. Then figure the reason…
@shrayasr While running, turn off data. If possible also cellular network. Peace + more battery life. #protip @mehulved @nigelbabu
shrayasr Convo from yesterday
Me: this is my first half marathon :)
@souvikdg: oh, yaaay *hi5*
Me: oh, its yours too?
Souvik: No, its my 17th
Me: 😵
@shrayasr Far from comprehensive. Just getting started. :)
@harisibrahimkv Register for a half marathon, train for 3 months and KILL IT! @shrayasr @nigelbabu
@shrayasr I haven’t researched well on those. Picked up 225 because of the wrist based HRM. @nigelbabu / @mehulved thoughts?
@shrayasr I have a list of my runs on If you’re curious about any, shoot your question. Start with @runadhm?
@shrayasr FR225. Very recent acquisition.
@amitangshu Noted. Thanks a lot! :)
@amitangshu Morning!
Shop or hand cart? And timing?
@amitangshu Where is it?

#KTM2013 is where I learned that runners cheer runners. #KTM2015 is where I cheered all the way.
Sigh, what a trail!